The deed to a property is a legal document that establishes ownership. There are different types of deeds. Here is an overview of a quit claim deed.
An Overview of a Quit Claim Deed
Quit claim deeds are a form of deed used in the transfer or sale of property when a grantor, a person who owns an interest in the property, is essentially allowing the transfer of that property to another person. The grantors do not actually own the property but rather simply have responsibility over it. For this reason, grantors have the legal right to sell the property but there is a catch.
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The quit claim deed offers little protection for buyers down the road. Although the property will be transferred to the grantee from the grantor, the quit claim deed does not legally protect the grantee from future claims to the property. The grantor does not legally own the property and so that leaves a back door open for potential future problems regarding the property.
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Quit claim deeds are often used in a couple situations due to their relative simplicity compared to many of the other forms that have to be filed during property transfer and/or sales. One, the quit claim deed is used to clear up a title. And two, quit claim deeds are effective for those who want to use a simplistic method for giving up their interests in a certain property.
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When used in a sale of a property, quit claim deeds can result in significant risk to the buyers of the property. However, quit claim deeds still have other uses that are very beneficial. For instance, in the case where there are multiple people who have claims to a home, such as when a relative passes away, a quit claim deed is an effective way of one of these people to legally transfer their interests in the home to another person. A divorce can create a similar situation, making the quit claim deed very useful.
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It is important to be smart about which form of deed you will be using and signing whether you are a seller or a buyer. Know what the potential risks are and the protections that are being offered by the deed so as to better be prepared.
Raynor James is with the site - - FSBO homes for sale by owner.

Saturday, April 28, 2007
An Overview of a Quit Claim Deed
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5:03 AM
Accident Compensation Claim On Automate!
Making a compensation claim may feel like it could be a stressful journey even before you begin. But in reality it's far from the truth.
Here are the 2 simple steps to a successful compensation claim.
Number 1 - Pick up the phone to call or complete an application online.
Number 2 - Sign the paperwork sent and return them.
That's it!
How long do you really need? About 20 - 30 minutes in total.
So in reality an accident compensation claim can be on its way, on automate, within 30 minutes. This is how?
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Make a compensation claim online . Fill in the blanks and submit your application or call a free phone number. Don't be afraid to speak to professionals, they're there to help. Tell them directly or fill in as much details as possible online and you should get a response within 24 hours, even quicker sometimes.
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Next some paperwork will be sent out to you that need to be signed and returned. No, you are not signing your life away. This paperwork covers agreement that is carried out by the personal injury solicitor on your behalf. Don't fret as it's for your injury compensation claim.
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The agreement should be based on a 100% Compensation recovery on your behalf. This is mainly for accident at work, car accident and slip, trip or fall claims.
If something doesn't make sense then simply ring the personal injury solicitor directly and they will be glad to help you. That's what they are there for, to help you, so technically once you sign the paperwork the injury solicitor works for you.
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So sign and return the paperwork in the envelope provided and the rest is on automate.
A Personal Injury Compensation Claim On Automate?
Now the personal injury solicitor does their job. They make the necessary phone calls, letters, investigation etc… as now it's their headache, NOT yours.
If they are missing something, they will either ring or mail you. It's as simple as that.
If you need to attend a medical then this will also be arranged on your behalf. If you can't make it, say so and it will be re-arranged. If there are any expenses incurred to attend the medical examination, keep the receipt and that can also be claimed back.
Now that's their job, so now you wait for your cheque.
Difficult? Didn't think so!
It's easy to claim compensation without any cons in place and plenty of pros. Discover, the 12 'Revolutions' in a positive compensation claim culture at
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5:03 AM