It is said that the number of cyclists on our roads in the UK has doubled since the year 2000. There are around 4 million people cycling regularly either for recreation, fitness or simply to get to and from work. In London recent studies have suggested that by 2010 the numbers of cyclists in the capital will be 80% above the current level. The congestion charge, road layout improvements and safety features have all helped to increase the volumes of people willing to switch from petrol power to pedal power.
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With such an increase in volume, there is inevitably an increase in the numbers of cycle related accidents and injuries.
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If you have been injured on the road whilst riding a pedal bike then you may wish to know how you can pursue a claim.
Most accident lawyers will be able to deal with your case ideally you should instruct a firm that specialise in pedal cycle compensation.
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Most cyclists do not have the benefit of legal expenses insurance (which most car drivers tend to have as part of their motor cover) and so instead they may be forced to simply make enquiries on the internet or use a local solicitors practice to help them with a claim.
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Most cycle related claims are simple and therefore you do not necessarily need representation from a specialist solicitor. However if you want to ensure that you receive adequate compensation then specialists are the best people to hire.
There are certain claims (which we cover in a separate article) that you may be entitled to make that are cycle specific yet most non- specialists wont be aware of. You may miss out on vital damages simply because your solicitor isn't aware of the full entitlement that you have as an injured cyclist.
Here are a few tips which should help you make a successful claim:
1. If you are injured - seek medical advice from preferably the local hospital or at the very least your GP 2. Try to ensure the Police receive a report of the incident. This could come in handy despite the fact that (unless there is serious injury) they may not be too interested in your situation.. 3. Obtain an estimate for any bike damage 4. If the bike is not repairable please provide copies of the original purchase receipt and / or an estimate of the actual replacement costs. 5. Call a specialist bike accident solicitor.
For more on bike accident claims please call The Claims Connection helpline on 0800 0322210. Deal with the specialists right from the word go. Don't take any risks with your claim.
Martin Nolan is a legal marketer working with UK bike accident compensation specialists

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Bike Accidents - How To You Claim Compensation
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5:00 AM
Some Claim Americans and the US is Hated Around the World
Why do people say that the US is hated around the world? I am always treated nicely and catered too as a tourist, as people have been very nice indeed. People in the US who travel little often repeat these things and believe them and they blame our government in our foreign policies. Why? America is a generous and great nation to the World. The United States is the greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind. We need to make it even better. And work on a few minor issues, then we need to package the plan and allow for a United World Franchising System for those nations who truly desire to get with the program. Recently a reporter argued this point of contention to me and said that the following nations do no like us:
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"UK, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Indonesia, France, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Panama, Canada"
Dear Sir, with the laundry list, How day you name Iran in that list as their leaders support Hamas, which wants to destroy Israel, blow it off the map and send in insurgents to disrupt the fledgling democracy in Iran. How dare you name the ever incessant man of political posturing and threatening in North Korea. Panama should be thankful we gifted them one of our major assets in the Hemisphere.
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France, who cares, with their oil for food scandal hypocrisy, after they put out a media hit on the United States, meanwhile civil unrest there never stops with all their riots. Venezuela? please spare me. Columbia loves us without us where would they sell their drugs. Indonesia loved our aid after the Tsunami.
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Bolivia is posturing and in crisis and attempting to be friends in the region and does not dislike us, they are actually rather neutral on the matter. Canada exists thru our protection with an Army of only 8,000 do not kid yourself, we have a huge trade deficit with them, without us their economy would not succeed at these levels. Besides I am always well treated in Canada when I visit. The UK is our ally. Your list is BS. I will not debate with pretenders of truth. The United States is well liked and we have many friends around the world, for those who claim otherwise, well it simply is not so. Consider this in 2006.
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Lance Winslow
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4:58 AM
Accident Claim With A Specialist Solicitor
Everyone has heard of an accident claim, but few people know how to deal with the traumatising experience when it comes. Life quickly becomes confusing and frustrating as you deal with physical pain and the bureaucratic red tape.
While there is no shortage of accident solicitors that deal with injury or accident claims, there is definitely a shortage of actual efficient and reliable ones. Choosing the wrong legal advice team for your claim can cost you money as well as in the final result, zero compensation. Accident Injury Is Unpredictable!
Accidents can happen anywhere, so feel protected at all times. Whether at work, out socially, on business or just having some fun, accidents can quickly turn your life upside down and turn everyday chores and pleasures into frustrating tasks. Thus possibly requiring the help and pity of others.
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Work becomes impossible, and you feel like a burden on everyone around you. You think back to life before the injury and wonder why it happened to you.
Don't Blame Yourself
The first thing many people feel after an accident is the embarrassment and somehow personally become responsible for their injury. Such a mind-frame can quickly lead to depression, which can affect all those around you. It can also help to slow down the recovery process, preventing the possibility of an injury claim.
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Don't feel that somehow you don't deserve compensation for your injury. If someone is responsible for your suffering then, you should seriously consider talking to a competent, experienced and reliable accident solicitor who has the power to earn you an impressive compensation settlement.
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People are injured everyday due to negligence of others; don't allow yourself to become just another statistic that's left to recover without the financial aid you deserve.
Living With A Serious Injury
For many, the pain and debilitation after an injury is almost too much to handle. Life takes an unexpected turn as you spend your days, bed-ridden, stuck at home, or in physiotherapy, trying to regain your lost mobility and freedom.
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You feel that you can no longer provide for your family, and simple things like playing in the back yard with your kids and going on vacation are no longer a viable options.
An accident injury claim is not a mere slap in the face and, through the haze of suffering, frustration and confusion, you want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ready For Some Action?
The first step is to find a personal injury solicitor who can be relied upon to produce a successful victory for your compensation claim.
There are all sorts of solicitors advertising their credentials and claiming to be the 'hard-hitters', but this is merely fiction.
The most critical step in an injury claim is choosing a competent and reliable solicitor to manage your case. When coming to this decision, there are several questions that must be addressed. You must be sure that the solicitor is experienced and has produced 'good' results for their previous clients.
You need to be comfortable with your accident solicitor and be able to speak freely and comfortably with them. With a comfortable, professional relationship established, a successful accident claim settlement will be within your reach.
Balls In Your Court
Always remember that there is a reason why you are reading this today to make an accident compensation claim for your accident injury. Don't allow your situation to get the better of you.
Without proper consultation, an injured victim's life may never get back on track. Taking the crucial steps of filing an accident injury claim can be the first step in turning everything around and getting back behind the steering wheel of life.
Don't let your injury get the better of you; make those responsible, responsible! If someone else's negligence is behind your pain, then take the necessary action and get what you deserve.
It's easy to proceed with an accident claim and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of injury claims at
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4:58 AM