Even the most cynical of us would agree that occasionally accidents do happen. However, more often than not, an 'accident' isn't really an 'accident' at all and a certain level of fault for the accident has to be placed squarely on the shoulder of the person who caused the accident. The same is certainly true in the case of a car accident. So, how would you go about getting proper whiplash compensation following a car accident? Unlike other injuries that can occur in a car accident, more often than not the symptoms of whiplash, such as a whiplash neck injury, will not manifest themselves until the morning after. Usually, the accident will cause the whiplash to manifest in the form of:
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• a headache, most likely all over the head with particular emphasis on the back of the head, or the forehead, or behind the eyes of the victim; or
• neck pain; or
• both of the above, with the headache likely to be more painful initially than the neck ache, but with the neck ache likely to be more prolonged and with the chance of this developing into Osteoarthritis in the future.
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So, with an accident injury of this nature, i.e. one that does not manifest itself immediately, you would think that making a whiplash injury compensation claim would be an extremely onerous task - as causation proof of the injury would be difficult. However, you can make it easier to make a compensation claim for whiplash if you adhere to the following guideline procedures following the accident:
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1. As Soon As You Can, Write Down Exactly What Happened That Caused The Accident To Happen
When you write your notes about what happened to cause the accident, which you should try and do as soon as you can following the accident. You need to make notes of exactly what happened leading up to the accident, during the accident and subsequent to the accident. You should also take note of:
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• where the accident took place
• what the weather conditions were like (e.g. was it foggy and slippery?)
• what the time was
• whether there were any witnesses who can verify your story
• exactly what you said to the other person(s) involved
If possible you should use your mobile phone camera to take photographs of the damage done to your car and you, as well as of the road surface and the general weather conditions.
2. Have A Medical Examination Immediately
Even if you are not feeling too bad following your accident, it can take a few hours, even a sleep, for the symptoms of whiplash to manifest. However, the longer you leave it until you get a medical examination the more chance there will be that the person who caused the accident can say that your injuries could have been caused by something else other than the car accident. Or, worse, the whiplash injuries could have been mitigated if only you had sought medical attention earlier.
To protect both yourself and your potential whiplash injury compensation claim, you should take yourself off to the hospital and have a complete medical examination as soon as you can, following the accident. Once you have had the examination you should ask the doctor to write a report detailing the chances of you having suffered an injury as a result of the accident - including the chances of you having suffered whiplash.
If you do this, you may well find that it is a lot harder for the person who caused your injury to claim that the whiplash was the cause of anything but their actions.
Keep in mind that whiplash injuries can have lasting effects. They can also have a very dramatic effect on your life - especially if they manifest into Osteoarthritis. So do not take a potential whiplash injury lightly and make sure that you protect any future rights that you may have to bring a whiplash injury claim.
It's easy to proceed with a whiplash compensation and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of whiplash injury claims at http://www.100percent-compensation.co.uk/articles/whiplash-compensation.html

Friday, September 28, 2007
Whiplash Compensation Claim - Take These Actions
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4:56 AM
Car Accidents in the UK - How to Claim
It is thought that there are around 2 million in road accidents in the UK every year. Fortunately most accidents are relatively minor and do not involve bodily injury. Irrespective of whether there is a personal injury or not it is fair to say that accidents of this nature are extremely inconvenient and can very often cause considerable expense to those involved. There are certain legal requirements that must be met by any individuals involved in a road accident. The law demands that you should always stop at the scene and exchange personal details and insurance information with the other party. The police very often will not attend minor road accidents where there has been no bodily injury and where the flow of traffic has not been obstructed. However you may wish to contact the police in any event to at least give them an opportunity to visit the scene should they deem it necessary.
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If your vehicle has been damaged in a car accident, then provided you have comprehensive insurance cover, the very first thing you should do is contact your insurance company. They will immediately arrange for the vehicle to be taken to one of their approved repairers where the damage will be assessed. If the damage can be repaired, rectification work usually starts within a week or so. But if the vehicle is considered to be a write-off, the insurance company will need to conduct a more thorough inspection of the vehicle and will then seek to make an offer of settlement to you that reflects the market value of the vehicle. They may deduct an excess if your policy is subject to such a charge.
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If your vehicle is not covered comprehensively, then you will have no choice but to claim from the other party, assuming of course that you were not responsible for the accident. Most insurers now take a proactive stance when dealing with "third-party" claims and there is every chance that in straightforward cases, your claim will be handled almost as quickly as it would be with your own comprehensive insurer.
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Notwithstanding this, there are many problems that can intervene to disrupt this process. Not least arguments on liability where another party is disputing how the accident occurred. There are of course many situations where liability ought to be shared, but even in a case where negligence is assessed at 50/50, you can and should pursue a claim for 50% of your losses.
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When making a claim against another party's insurers, you may be entitled to recover the following items:
• Repair costs • write-off / replacement vehicle value • car hire costs • loss of use • inconvenience • loss of earnings • travel expenses • additional petrol expenses • personal injury
They may of course be other items, but the above list probably accounts for the majority of claims in this sector.
If you have been injured in a Road accident, you may be entitled to claim for pain and suffering compensation. It is always advisable in these situations to instruct a personal injury solicitor to help you with such a claim. In England and Wales most solicitors will pursue claims for injury on a "no win-no fee" basis which ensures that win or lose, an injured party will not be responsible for any legal costs. You may even have the benefit of legal expense insurance which allows you to pursue a claim without the burden of incurring any legal fees.
Perhaps the most common injury suffered in road accidents is that of whiplash. The average whiplash compensation payment is in the region of £2000. You may also be entitled to treatment or physiotherapy costs which can of course be of enormous benefit in assisting your recovery from an injury.
Martin Nolan is a legal marketer for the UK a personal injury sector. For more information please visit please visit Car Accident claims advice website.
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4:56 AM
Is The Nissan 350Z All That They Claim It Is?
If you grew up in the 70's the Datsun/Nissan Z cars where the first import car to become popular with the youth of its day. It was an affordable sports cars built in the traditional European road course style. The 240Z and the 280Z are legend and if you can find one in mint condition you will pay a pretty penny to get it. The cars of that era where not produced with the high quality steel, used in today's auto manufacturing. The early cars were prone to rust. They also suffered from poor electrical systems as well.
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But today's Z's are high quality precision driving machines, with modern electronics and, composite materials to go along with better steel. The Z cars have always been a fun to drive car and today's 350 Z is no exception.
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The 2006 Nissan 350Z Roadster is a 2-door, 2-passenger convertible sports car, available in 5 trims, ranging from the Enthusiast to the Grand Touring.
The 350Z is equipped with a standard 3.5-liter, V6, 300-horsepower engine that achieves 19-mpg in the city and 25-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission (300 hp) with overdrive is standard, and a 5-speed automatic transmission (287 hp) with overdrive is optional.
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The gas mileage is nothing to brag about, but if you can afford a sports car then you can afford the gas. It delivers excellent acceleration and sticks to the road like tar on a hot summers day.
The 2006 Nissan 350Z Roadster (msrp $39,715), has been updated for 2006. With styling and features that make it comparable to the Honda S2000, (msrp $34,050) BMW Z4, (msrp $42,100) and the Porche Boxter (msrp $45,000). The 350Z may very well be the best value for your money.
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Its roomier than the Honda. The BMW and Porche may give you a little more performance, or at least their nameplates suggest it, but the 350Z is right up there with the BMW's and the Porche's. The 350Z also costs $4,000 to 5,000 less than the BMW or the Porche. Plus the total cost to own and operate is way lower than the BMW or the Porsche.
But that's no reason to pick the 350Z. Its flat out a fun and easy car to drive and will give you as much performance as the BMW's and the Porches, and it blows the Honda away. The 300 horsepower engine is more than 50 horsepower greater than its rivals and the smooth shifting Nissan transmission, I think is superior to the BMW and Porsche.
It has 5 Trim levels, and is offered in 8 different colors, and a variety of interior packages that will allow you to customize it to your preferences. Time and again people write that the 350Z is the best value for your money in its class and I agree. With excellent braking and steering its stays true to the road and is easy to drive.
I have heard some complaints that it rides hard, well duh, it's a sports car not a Cadillac Eldorado.
If you are looking for a fun to drive car with plenty of muscle and excellent handling you have to look at the Nissan 350Z.
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4:56 AM
Preparation of Claim Chart
First, circle the independent claims, which will illustrate here with parentheses, e.g., (1) means claim 1 is independent (it always is, BTW).
Second, use an arrow after a dependent claim to show what claim it is dependent from.
Third, use the PTO check mark and equal signs (from the file wrapper claim chart format) to indicate rejected or allowed claims. "=" means allowed, "./" (the closest can get to a check mark here) means rejected.
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Fourth, draw the claim chart veritcally on the inside of the file wrapper (in the margin) - this way you get a road map of the claims during reviewing the case.
Miscellaneous notations might be added to remind you about the scope of the claims or other notes. e.g., "A" for apparatus, "M" for method, "o" for objected to, etc.
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Example: A ten claim case with 3 independent claims might have a chart like this:
A (1) ./
2 -> 1 =
3 -> 1 ./
4 -> 3 = M (5) =
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6 -> 5 =
7 -> 6 = A (8) ./
9 -> 8 o
10 -> 9 o
In day-to-day analysis of claims, people use the this type of claim tree as a way to visualize the analysis especially for complex claim structures.
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For example, in an application with 100+ claims and an extended prosecution history (e.g., with many canceled, revised, and newly added claims), a visual depiction of the dependency structure of the claims (e.g. using a tree structure similar to Windows Explorer) can be invaluable. Some people take a further step of annotating the tree structure to reflect the content of the claim and any references cited against the claim.
Another approach for making claim chart is a two-column table in every legitimate patent infringement analysis. In the left column are each and every limitation of the patented invention. In the right column is either a "yes" or "no" answer as to whether that limitation is present in the accused device or method. For example, an accused device and a claim chart are presented below:
Robert's validity chart is not only useful for 102 analyses, but also 103 analyses, particularly the combining references type. Consider
Claim 1
Reference 'A'
Reference ‘B'
A widget apparatus, comprising:
1) a frobosinator,
2) a pixilator, and
3) a green cogscreen
Widget apparatus:
Yes (col 1, line 10)
Yes (col 1, line 12)
No (but there is a blue cogscreen at col 7, line 10)
Widget subassembly
Yes (col 9, line 12)
This chart supports a rejection of claim 1 as obvious over ‘A' in view of 'B'.
The most useful automating tool that I have found is the shareware program that takes a draft specification and produces reports of the numbered items referred to in the claims and produces reports with respect to the same. It saves time in producing a Sec. 112 check. For the most part, I have found analysis of claims not to be terribly difficult to do with human eyeball, but can see massive problems in trying to do them automatically, making it a project unsuitable for automation, because the cost/benefit ratio seems unfavorable. On the other hand, while this is certainly true for novelty searches, where you compare the claims of your application with the teachings of the prior art, where you pretty much ignore the claims, it may not be so true for a validity search, where you compare the claims of many patents with the accused device.
Vinod Kumar Singh
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4:56 AM