When you are involved in an accident insurance claims may not be the first thoughts on your mind. However, there are some procedures you should follow in order to preserve your right to file an insurance claim. This may be anything from hail damage to a stolen vehicle and does not refer solely to car accidents.
The first thing you want to do is prevention. Most insurance claims can be prevented even before the incident occurs. For instance, to prevent auto accident’s be cautious and think about taking a defensive driving course. To prevent stolen vehicle insurance claims, keep you vehicle locked up and parked in a secure place. To prevent damage from the forces of nature do not travel in bad weather and keep your car in a covered parkway. There are many ways to prevent yourself from incurring loss. Most ideas are just common sense. However, for more information contact your insurance agent for ideas on prevention. Next, you will want to remain calm. When disaster strikes people react. That is our nature. However, sometimes people’s reactions can make things worse on their insurance claims.
If you’re in a car accident this might mean taking the blame, leaving the scene of an accident, or putting your self in danger. If you’re car is stolen you may act on your reaction by accusing innocent persons. There are a number of problems that can arise when people over react that is why it is essential to your insurance claim for you to remain calm.
Now, the next thing you need to be aware of is time. You see, time is not on your side when filing an insurance claim. The longer you wait the less your chances are of recovering your loss. Most insurance companies will not even consider a claim if it was turned in a certain amount of time after the incident. It is also harder to prove the longer you go before submitting an insurance claim.
Finally, you will want to follow procedures and document everything. Insurance companies are hit with frauds all the time. In order to weed out the actual claims from the fraudulent ones, they have to have clear cut procedures. Unfortunately, this can sometimes be confusing to actual victims. Yet, they are in place out of the need to protect the company. This means that you will have to educate yourself to what the policies are. Find out what documentation you need and what forms you will have to file. If you need help, contact your insurance agent. That is what they are there for. If you follow this advice, you should be able to file a claim relatively easy and with the least amount of lag time before payment.
About the author:
Alan Jason Smith is the owner of http://www.lanzinsurance.comwhich is a great place to find insurance links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.lanzinsurance.com

Monday, October 29, 2007
Insurance Claims
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1:41 PM
Personal Injury Compensation Claims Culture
The "compensation culture" has been given a rather bad name over recent years; this is due to the large increase in no win no fee compensation claims not just in the States, but also across the globe. The question is, who is really to blame for this increase in claims?
People seeking such compensation claims have been described as "money grabbers" from a kerb tripping generation, personally I beg to differ, although it is true that there have been (and possibly will be more) false compensation claims from people wishing to make a fast buck, the majority of cases are from genuine victims of personal injury accidents which could have been avoided.
Personal Injury Compensation Claims are often made against organizations or individuals who have been the cause of accidents that should not have happened; with a little more due care and attention the whole incident could have been avoided.
Victims of accidents who have received personal injury due to an accident that was not their fault should be encouraged to make a personal injury compensation claim, this will not only compensate them for any injury or suffering caused, it will also remind organizations and individuals just how important it is to ensure that due care and attention is always made, especially in the working environment!
About the author:
Personal Injury Compensation Claims are increasing throughout the western word, but if you are entitled to make a claim, shouldn't you, for more information contact Paul Rooney Partnership http://www.prp-online.co.uk
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1:41 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
How and Why to Prepare Now For a Disaster Insurance Claim
The time to prepare for a disaster claim is now, not after a disaster strikes. It is not really very hard to do and will help you and the insurance company to process your claim quicker and more efficiently, with less stress. You definitely want to be one of the first to have your claim settled. It will be settled faster and possibly more generously. After all, at first the insurance company is anxious to settle your claim quickly because they know they will eventually get bogged down with the thousands of claims they will have to handle. They may be willing to be a "little" more generous to the first claims settled. They want you to be happy and out of the way quickly so that they can close your file and move on to the next policy holders.
There will be thousands reporting claims in the first couple of weeks following a disaster. How can you be sure to be among the first settled? BE PREPARED! What do I mean by that? Do you remember in school and maybe still in large office buildings when there were fire drills? The reason for this was so everyone knew what they were expected to do in case of a disaster. The news and talk shows are always telling us to have drills for our families in case of fire, floods, hurricanes and other disasters. This is a great idea! But we are concerned now with after the disaster. The same idea applies.
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First read your insurance policies- all of them. Pay attention to what is covered and especially to what is not covered. If something is not covered, damage by flooding or earthquake or some expensive antique, a piece of jewelry, etc. and you feel you need the coverage, this is the time to find it out, and not when you are stressed from the disaster. Look into it now, don't wait. If you don't understand your insurance make an appointment with your insurance agent. He or she will be happy to go over and explain what is covered and what is not covered by the policies that you have now. It will be well worth the time spent doing this if for no other reason than peace of mind.
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Keep your receipts for all expensive items or items that are unique. Pictures are helpful too. If an item is old or you do not have a receipt for it, have it appraised. It is a lot easier and less costly to do now than after it is gone or damaged. Have several different copies of the pictures, receipts and appraisals. Keep one set handy at home so you can have it at a moment's notice. (Take it with you if you can if you evacuate.) Put one in a safe deposit box in a bank or in a file at the office if one is available to you and also, if you have family or close friends that live away swap copies with them or scan copies to a cd and send it to them. This way, you are covered on all fronts. It may seem extreme but I have recently had a friend living with me, a victim of Katrina. She lost her home, her office was destroyed and the bank that housed her safe deposit box was damaged and did not open for 8 months. She could access her money from a branch of the bank but not what was in her safe deposit box. Had she sent copies of her papers to someone out of harms way, it would have helped. Also as a side note, safe deposit boxes are neither fireproof nor waterproof. Since they are in the vault, it would have to be an extremely hot fire to burn the things in the box but since water can get in you may want to keep any papers in plastic zip bags.
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Tell family members where everything is and what your plans are in case of a disaster. If you have to evacuate and can't return immediately or if you are injured and can't take care of business for a while, they can have all the information that they need to get things started efficiently and to handle what they can as you would want them handled.
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Charlene Mattel is founder of http://www.insurance-insurance.info and has worked in the insurance industry for almost 30 years. She understands how confusing all of the different insurance policies can be so she created a website to explain all types of insurance in plain English, to help you buy the policy and coverage that you really need and at the best price.
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5:00 AM
Medical Negligence Claim - Has Your Well-Being Been Affected?
Historically, courts in England and Wales have been very reluctant to find in favour of a plaintiff in any medical negligence claim brought against hospitals or local authorities.
Thus, in order to determine whether or not you have a claim for medical negligence, it is essential that you seek the advice of a medical negligence solicitor as soon as you possibly can after the event that transpired that led you to believe that you were entitled to injury compensation.
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Overview - Establishing A 'Duty Of Care'
The crux to any medical negligence claim you make, whether such be against the doctor who operated on you, the hospital where you had the treatment, or the local authority under whose control the hospital comes under (or the NHS directly itself), is being able to prove that you were owed, what is known in legal jargon as, a 'duty of care'.
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In this regard, clinical negligence will arise if you were owed such a duty of care and you were not treated with a reasonable degree of skill that would otherwise be expected from a skilled medical practitioner.
As such, if your doctor treated you in such a way that it could be considered careless, or lacked the training required, or if they disregarded the normal rules associated with treating your problem, then you may have grounds for a medical negligence claim.
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Keep in mind, however, that previously the courts have said that even in situations where doctors have been 'on-call' for 24 and 36 hours, or more, and mistakes were made due to fatigue in service, a medical negligence claim may not get intimidated - so, it is imperative that you have a medical negligence solicitor representing you and protecting your interests from the outset if you want to stand any chance of winning your medical negligence case.
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The 'Standard Of Care'
You would have thought that being a doctor was sufficient to assume that they should know what they're doing and have reasonably foreseen if they did cock-up, as it would result in a clinical negligence claim.
It is unfortunate in the UK, in any accident claim that involves doctors or medical practitioners, things can get nasty. For them it's wasted years of education if they get banned.
The medical profession is a close community and in most cases they will not admit that someone within their profession was negligent unless the actions of that person could be considered grossly negligent. For this reason you'll need a good and experience solicitor in medical negligent claims.
Prescription Period
If you believe that you have a cause to sue for medical negligence compensation, then you are required to start your claim proceedings within three (3) years from the event that caused the accident injury.
If you are entitled to claim, one of the few exemptions to this rule is medical incapacity. Otherwise, if you do not start your injury claim process before this time, you will forfeit your right to claim for compensation. As such, if a med neg situation does arise, see a specialised solicitor as soon as you can.
Cannot Afford To See A Solicitor
If you believe that you cannot afford to seek the advice of a medical negligence solicitor following what you believe is clinical negligence, don't worry - you can find solicitors these days who are willing to listen to your story and submit a claim on your behalf based on a 'no win no fee' basis.
Fortunately, in some cases no win no fee solicitors don't even take a consultation fee from you. You can make arrangements with your solicitor who will submit a claim for their fees at the conclusion of your case against the insurance company of your opponent (after you win).
So, if you believe you have a claim for medical negligence, don't be put off seeing a solicitor until tomorrow, go and see a no win no fee specialist in medical negligence today.
It's easy to proceed with a medical negligence claim and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of medical claims at http://www.100Percent-Compensation.co.uk/articles/medical-negligence.html
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5:00 AM