Most people find that moving eventually exceeds their budget by considerable amounts. This is because we don't pay attention to the nitty-gritty of moving. If you want to have a good control on costs you need to strategize the moving.
Here are some simple tips:
1. Never choose a mover because he is friendly or close by. Make a comparison of costs by asking for estimates from at least three movers and checking the estimates carefully to ensure there are no hidden costs.
2. Ensure that the mover does not hand over a vague agreement with a lot of convoluted terms. He must give you a guaranteed not to exceed estimate. The estimate should include details of licenses, permits, shipping costs, insurance, packing , storage and so on.
3. Don't just pack all you have. Make time to take an inventory and determine what essentials are and what sentimental things are. If you can find out how much space your new home will have and the climate of the region. Put aside emotions and decide to take only essentials. If your home is owned by you, consider renting it out partially furnished, or give away things to charity, or put into storage. The fewer the things to be moved the lower the movers bill will be.
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4. Reduce the bill by packing unbreakable things yourself. Find out if this is acceptable to the mover's terms and conditions. Let the movers pack breakable and valuable items.
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5. Purchase special packing boxes wholesale this will cut costs considerably. If your move is planned well in advance you could collect empty cartons to pack unbreakable items and books from the local merchant.
6. If you are moving close by you could consider handling the move yourself by using au-haul.
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7. Costs can be reduced if you use old newspapers, blankets, sheets and t-shirts as packing material instead of buying bubble wrap for everything.
8. Packing tape, rope, and string should be purchased whole sale.
9. Calculate the costs of flying as against driving down and incurring expenses of overnight stay as well as food and beverage.
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10. Find out whether you will get any tax relief on moving expenses and purchase of insurance.
Create a budget that includes mover's estimate, packing, travel, stay, food and beverage as well as any other expenses you can think off against each entry mark what can be avoided and what is essential. Go over your notes with a professional mover or consultant.
If you can plan on moving off season this will reduce costs but create problems like school admissions and so on if you have children moving with you. Moving off season according to moving experts cuts costs by as much as 20%. Similarly one can save money by choosing to move in the middle of the month rather than beginning or end. Studies indicate that on an average an American moves at least 11 times in his life and the American Moving and Storage Association estimates that moving a nine room house from DC to LA would cost nearly US$ 12, 000 and more.
Be smart check estimates for "extras" you can do without. Trim costs but don't loose on essentials like breakage insurance.
Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find help on moving including topics on moving companies search, compare movers, moving insurance, auto transport, moving tips and more. He also freelances for the premier REVENUE SHARING discussion forum for Moving Movers Site

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
How to Make a Claim Against Your Mover
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Injury Claim Lawyers
It all happened in a blur. You caught a glimpse of something headed toward you, fast - a black car, face in the window puckered in a permanent O. You braked. Too late. The impact sent your face into the airbag, your back into the side of the car, and your arm - somewhere. You wind up dazed, in a car that needs to be cut open, and you hurt all over. Eventually you're in the hospital in bed. The doctor congratulates you on not suffering too much injury - a few bruises here and there, he says, a cut, perhaps some strained muscles in your back. You thank him; he discharges you the next day.
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But the pain doesn't stop. It gets worse. Finally you see an orthopedic surgeon, who tells you that you have soft tissue damage and maybe a ruptured disk in your back. You will probably be in pain for the rest of your life - and if you return to your job as a construction foreman, you risk injuring yourself worse and being paralyzed as well.
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Suddenly, your whole life has changed. And it's not even your fault - the other driver, a teenager talking on a cell phone, turned right into you. But the insurance company stonewalls; there's no provable medical damage, they say. Our doctors looked at the x-rays. You're fine. You're faking your injuries.
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Faking your pain, which grows worse every day.
You need a personal injury lawyer.
Personal Injury Lawyers
A personal injury lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in representing victims in personal injury cases. He may have people who've been in a car accident, like you. Or he may be used to representing people who've been injured in industrial accidents, by doctors or other medical professionals, or by corporations who either fraudulently proclaim something safe or accidentally release something harmful. Your personal injury lawyer has heard it all; and he knows that your pain is real.
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A personal injury lawyer can do a lot for you. He can line up doctors who will examine you and your medical records to attempt to determine precisely what's wrong. For every doctor the insurance companies line up to swear that your records show no injury, he can produce an equally qualified professional to testify that they've examined you personally and you most certainly do have permanent debilitating injuries.
But it's not just car injuries that may make you require his services. In today's high-pressure workplace, you may be injured by workplace stress; one of my friends was rendered unable to work for years after she had a nervous breakdown at work in the bathroom. They sent her home. And then didn't understand why she couldn't come in the next day. Your personal injury lawyer can help you find a professional who will help you with your problems, and who will testify in court as to the extent of your damages and how they were caused.
In another case, a doctor who had been given the task of circumcising a premature infant - slipped. Just a little. But it only took a little for the circumcision to turn into a castration, and the poor little boy suffered the consequence. His parents made the very difficult decision to have him surgically changed into a girl; they sued and were awarded damages to cover the child's medical and therapy bills, and to make life easier as he grew into an adult.
Doctors and nurses and other medical professionals make mistakes ( Sometimes they admit them; often, they don't. A personal injury lawyer will stand by you, help you find alternate medical treatment, and then support your case as you sue the professional who injured you.
Sometimes companies do bad things and cover them up. Asbestos, though it was restricted years ago, still causes damage to people today. Chemical spills that are covered up by the violating company for fear of having to pay large sums in environmental cleanup fees can sicken hundreds if it gets into the water. At Love Canal, an entire suburb was built on top of a contaminated industrial waste dump; dozens of children were sickened, even developing leukemia, when the contaminants seeped in through basements and baseboards, poisoning the air they breathed with invisible toxins.
Sometimes companies do bad things accidentally, or because they didn't study the situation enough. Pharmaceutical companies have a very difficult time studying enough people to rule out harm; recently, drugs like Vioxx have made the news when they caused serious harm to people who were taking them for issues they could have lived with. Even though the harm was accidental, the company is liable for it; people died, and people had debilitating heart attacks. There are those whose lives will never be the same.
In all these cases, a personal injury lawyer can represent the victim.
How Much Does It Cost?
If you've been injured, chances are very good that you're already having financial difficulties. Therefore, personal injury lawyers have worked out a system to help victims get the legal assistance they need without paying anything up front. It's called a contingency payment plan.
Their fee is contingent upon you winning your case. You pay nothing up front. If the lawyer loses your lawsuit against your injurer, you pay nothing at all. If the lawyer wins your case, however, you pay a specified percentage of your claim to him. That's it.
By using this system, personal injury lawyers have helped out millions of people who would otherwise have had to suffer in poverty and silence while those who caused them injury went unpunished. A personal injury lawyer helps see that justice is served. More information available at
Phil Edwards works as a writer for several financial companies including Personal Injury Accident Claim, and Remortgages
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4:56 AM
How To Calculate Your Whiplash Claim
How much is the pain and discomfort of your whiplash injury worth? A fair question, after all a whiplash injury is painful - so you should be compensated accordingly. Unfortunately, however, the level of compensation you get for your injury following an accident will depend on a number of variable factors. The Whiplash Compensation Claim
The first of the variable factors will depend on how you make your whiplash injury claim. If you make a compensation claim directly against the insurance company, then you will likely be compensated in accordance with the settlement agreement you make with the insurance company.
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However, if you decide to seek the advice of a compensation solicitor to handle your whiplash compensation, then you could be entitled to compensation categorised as
(i) General Damages and
(2) Special Damages.
General Damages For Whiplash
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The overall amount that you may be entitled to under General Damages is difficult to determine as it is paid for the physical pain and suffering (i.e. the actual damage - such as a whiplash neck injury or something more serious) that you encounter as a direct result of the accident you had.
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You may also be allowed to claim for emotional pain and loss of enjoyment of life as part of General Damages. Finally, if the pain and suffering you encounter as a result of your injury causes you to suffer psychological disorders, such as depression, then this may also be included in your compensation claim.
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Although General Damage sums awarded by a court will be dependant on their set guidlelines, the details of your medical report detailing the extent of the whiplash, the actual injuries caused, and the possible harm it has had on your emotional state will, all play a pivotal part in the whiplash injury claim.
Special Damages For Whiplash
Unlike General Damages, Special Damages can be fixed to some degree and are payable to you as a result of you having encountered certain special losses because of the accident.
In particular, Special Damages are payable on any loss of earnings (including any potential loss of future earnings as a result of the accident) you may have to endure while you recover from the accident; car hire expenses you have to pay as a result of your car being in the repair shop; if you have to pay someone to look after you while you recover from your whiplash, these can be recovered; and if you have paid for medical attention to treat the injury, you can also include these in your claim.
If you want to claim for Special Damages you need to keep a careful track of all the payments you have made and where possible you'll need to have receipts.
Insurance Settlement
If you decide that you do not want to make a whiplash injury compensation claim through the courts, then you need to agree to enter into a settlement agreement with the insurance company. In this case you need to make sure you read the terms of the settlement agreement very carefully as insurance settlement claims usually contain provisions
(1) that the insurance company can pay you in instalments, rather than a one-off lump-sum payment;
(2) that once you have been paid the whiplash compensation by the insurance company you cannot reopen the claim in the future to try and get some more money and agree to no longer hold the insurance company liable for any future cost or loss.
Limitation Period To Bring A Claim
If you have recently suffered a whiplash injury, then you have a period of 3 years from the date of the injury in which to bring proceedings to court. If you fail to bring your whiplash claim to the courts within this time you will have forfeited your right to make a claim.
Whiplash Injury Solicitor
Whether you have suffered a neck injury, back injury, or bruising, in order to know exactly what your rights are you should seek a consultation with a personal injury solicitor or lawyer as soon as you can following the accident and in any case before you agree to sign any settlement agreement with any insurance company as they are not obligated to tell you what your legal rights are but also what compensation you should be entitled to.
It's easy to proceed with a whiplash compensation and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of injury claims at
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