Claims often spend great amounts of time in the Social Security Disability system not because Social Security is slow, but because many claims are filed incomplete. You can shorten the amount of time your claim spends in the system by filing a complete claim. When you do file there are a number of items Social Security will need in order to process you claim. Bringing the following items will help you file a complete and efficient claim:
- Social Security card of all persons applying for benefits
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- Birth certificate of all persons applying for benefits
- Military discharge documents (if applicable)
- Dates and places of treatment
- Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of anyone who has treated you
- Names of current medication
- Medical records from all places of treatment
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- Your tax information
- Work history for the past decade and a half
- Dates of prior marriages if your spouse is applying for benefits
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And if you are applying for SSI, you also need:
- Paycheck stubs, bank records, insurance policies, car registration, burial fund records, and other information about your income and possessions
- Information about your current housing situation
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If you do not have and cannot obtain some of this information, do not forgo filing a claim. We can help, or your local Social Security office will be happy to help you collect this information. Again, the sooner you file the better. Though Social Security may award retroactive benefits, retroactive benefits may only reach back to year before your claim.
Original Social Security Disability content from
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Friday, December 28, 2007
How to Speed Up Your Disability Claim
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4:54 AM
Filing An Insurance Claim
Everything seemed pretty simple when you purchased that insurance policy. If you have a loss, just tell the insurance company about it and you will get paid - Right? Well.... it may not be quite that easy. There are some basic steps you should follow to make sure your insurance claim is paid quickly and fully. Prepare - in advance. The single most important thing that will make your life easier in the event of a loss is to be well prepared in advance. Do you have offsite copies of your computer files? What about paper files? If this is some kind of property loss, you will need to document the value. If you have to try to reconstruct records that were destroyed, it will delay your insurance payment and make it much harder for you to prove the value of your loss.
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Estimate your loss. While it may not be possible to know the full extent of the loss, develop an estimate. If it is close to or below your deductible, you are probably better off not filing the insurance claim. Your rates will be based in part on your claims history so there is no advantage to you in filing a claim you will end up paying for out of your own pocket. Be careful, however, as most insurance policies require you to report a loss within a certain timeframe, usually 2 - 4 weeks.
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Call your agent. Many insurance companies ask that you report your claim directly to the claims department. This is more efficient for them but not necessarily better for you. Your insurance agent may represent the company but his income depends on keeping his customers happy. Independent agents, in particular, are small business owners and owe their primary loyalty to their business. If you're a small business owner, your insurance agent understands that his business depends on keeping his customers happy.
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Keep in touch with the adjuster. Ultimately the insurance company will assign an adjuster to work with you to estimate and pay the loss. Work closely with the adjuster and respond quickly and completely to his requests for information. The easier you make his job, the quicker you will get paid.
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Consider an independent adjuster. If your loss is large and complex, it may pay you to hire an independent adjuster to work on your behalf. If you do decide to take this step, make sure you hire an adjuster who has experience with your type of business loss.
Lana Hampton makes it easy to find the insurance that's right for your needs. Visit her Insurance website today for the latest news and information.
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4:54 AM
Criminal Injury Claim - Are You Serious
Injuries due to criminal activities, can be one of the most complex and traumatic experiences that anyone can suffer. A criminal injury claim in these terrible incidents, can profoundly affect both the victim and the victim's friends and family, leaving both emotional and physical scars that can last a lifetime.Few people understand the sensitive and complicated nature of criminal injury claims and can sympathise with those who require the legal help often necessary after these incidents. Criminal injury compensation is especially unique and each case must be dealt with in a unique manner.
Getting Started Can Be The Hardest Part
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The most difficult part of a criminal compensation claim, quite often, is coming to the decision to seek one. Serious crimes, that leave the victims injured both physically and mentally can have all sorts of impacts, depending on the person.
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Far too often, the victim chooses to put the incident behind them, without persuing for justice that they deserve because they feel that a court case will just make things worse. That's when a trusted compensation solicitor comes in handy.
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Because of the sensitive nature of these cases, a trustworthy and caring solicitor will be your best friend in the battle. If you feel comfortable with your injury solicitor, then you will be able to get the verdict and the compensation you've been hoping for. Together, you can turn this whole incident around and find the silver lining in the cloud.
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Don't Be Victimised! Fight Back!
After suffering a criminal incident such as an assault, many victims tend to shun away and try to bury the memory, in hopes that it will go away. This, unfortunately, is probably the worst thing anyone can do, while we understand the trauma that has been suffered, we must push hard for a compensation claim, because it is the right thing to do.
Allowing those who have hurt you to remain free from responsibilities is unacceptable. Finding the right accident compensation solicitor and taking those responsible to court is the right and justice thing to do, as you could possibly prevent them from assaulting others.
From Victim To Victor!
Take back your life and get the compensation you deserve. Go from being a victim to a victor and make them pay!
Getting the compensation you deserve can be a turning point in this tiring time, but you must not forget to choose the right solicitor in your battle, it can mean all the difference in the final outcome.
Start Today And Make Them Pay!
If you are a victim of a crime and have been injured, and are still not convinced that an accident claim is the way to go, then please read the following:
• If it was someone you cared or loved was hurt in a criminal activity, wouldn't you push hard for justice?
• Even if the victim was reluctant and wanted to forget the whole thing, you would know better, because you cared and knew they weren't thinking clearly.
• Not pursuing the compensation deserved can be a regretful decision, with many people coming to the realisation too late.
• Don't become just another victim, just another statistic that is left to deal with the traumatic experience by yourself.
• There are solicitors who care, who will fight hard and win for you, who are not only concerned with the bottom line, but getting their clients life back on track.
• Don't hesitate, make the decision and take charge today, you won't regret it.
It's easy to proceed with a criminal injury claim and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of criminal injuries at
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4:54 AM
Why Don't More People Claim Compensation?
Why don't more people injured at work claim compensation?
It is estimated by the Health and Safety Executive that UK workers sustain 850,000 injuries at work every year, but 9/10 of these people do not get any compensation.There are a number of possible reasons why this is so.
1. Eligibility for compensation
To make a claim following an accident at work it needs to be proved that the employer failed in their duty of care to provide a safe environment for the employee (this is known as negligence) and that an injury occurred as a result.
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A duty of care is the legal responsibility that an employer has to take practical steps to protect his employees from harm. There are conditions to this; duty of care is limited to what is deemed reasonable.
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There are all sorts of ways that an employer could fail in their duty of care. Just a few examples of this are: a lack of safety equipment, dangerous machinery or premises, and a lack of proper training or supervision.
If an employee is injured in an accident caused by their employer's negligence, they are entitled to claim compensation.
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2. Making a claim
Many people are deterred from making a claim simply because they don't know how to.
The first thing to do is to get legal advice from a solicitor who specialises in personal injury law or a reputable accident compensation company on whether you have a valid claim. The best place to start is by typing ‘compensation claim' into a search engine ( Expect advice without obligation or pressure to make a claim, but if either occurs, go elsewhere.
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If you decide to go ahead with your claim, your chosen representation should be able to give you all the advice and guidance you need.
3. Financial risk
People associate legal action with high costs that they can ill afford, so naturally, this puts them off from making a compensation claim.
There are three ways in which a claim can be funded:
1. Public funding (formally known as Legal Aid)
Legal Aid was withdrawn in 1998 for most personal injury claims, the main exception being in clinical and medical negligence cases. A no win, no fee scheme was introduced in its place.
"No win, no fee" means that the person claiming does not have to pay for their solicitor fees in the event that the claim is lost. However, they would still be liable to pay for the other side's solicitor fees and costs.
Some companies completely protect their customers from all costs and fees, whilst others do not. It is very important to be clear what kind of agreement you are signing up to before instructing a firm to act on your claim.
Another important thing to consider when choosing representation is what they want in the event of a successful claim. Some can take up to 40% of the compensation awarded, whilst others take none.
2. Legal expenses insurance
Legal expenses insurance is often attached to motor insurance policies and household contents insurance, and it covers the costs of legal proceedings in the event of a claim.
For example, if an injury happened through a car accident, legal expenses insurance could be called upon to pay for fees when making a personal injury claim.
3. Private funding
The option is open for people to fund a solicitor to make a personal injury claim for them. However, this is not recommended, because if the claim is unsuccessful, the person making the claim will have to pay not only their fees, but their opponent's fees and costs too, and this can cost thousands of pounds.
On the subject of choosing the right representation, Sophie Evans of says,
"It is really important to make sure you understand fully the terms of any agreement you are thinking of entering into. Do not be afraid to ask lots of questions; find out if you would be liable to pay for any fees or costs for either side if you win or lose, find out if they take a cut of your compensation. If you choose the right company, your claim will be totally free and there will be no financial risk, whether your personal injury claim is successful or not."
4. Fear of damage to career prospects
It is understandable that people would be nervous about making a compensation claim against their employer, but in reality few people experience harassment at work after bringing a personal injury claim.
Employers understand that it is a legal entitlement for a compensation claim to be brought if there has been an injury at work that was the fault of the company, so victimisation is rare. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) harassing or bullying an employee at any time is unlawful.
In practice the claim is dealt with by the insurance company that covers the employer, so the boss of the person making the claim probably will not have as much involvement as might be expected. Separate action could be taken against an employer if there was any harassment or victimisation.
5. Social stigma
In America, the "compensation culture" is considered by many to be out of control, and people are fearful that Britain could be headed the same way. There have been some compensation claim companies who have used all sorts of distasteful tactics, including approaching injured people in hospital, encouraging frivolous claims and encouraging people to exaggerate the severity of their injuries.
However, the number of compensation claims that are being made in Britain has been decreasing in recent years so it seems that the UK is not headed in the same direction as America. There are a number of excellent companies that simply give the public access to personal injury compensation without adopting any underhand practices.
There may also be an element of social stigma involved with making a compensation claim. Some people may feel that the stereotypical claimant is an opportunist, out for to make money for even a very minor injury.
However, most claims are genuine, made by people who have had financial losses and suffered pain due to their injury, and they are simply looking to get compensation for the effects of their accident.
It is quickly forgotten that people have been successfully claiming compensation for many years. It is a civil and legal right to claim recompense for losses from a negligent party, and making a compensation claim is simply the exercising of that right. provides free, no obligation 24 hour legal advice online, or over the phone on 0800 10 757 95. A truly no cost personal injury compensation claim service, whether your claim is successful or not.
Editorial notes: YouClaim provides a free, ethical personal injury compensation service to people who have had an accident at work or in any other situation.
Author: Alexandra Gubbins. For more information, call 0800 10 757 95 or go to
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4:54 AM
Claim Your Right to Success
David Constance was a young man in love with photography. Wherever David went so too, his beloved camera. It was his constant companion. The more they lived together the better they got. Like any loving couple the two together made three or four not two. They produced fantastic photos together. They just loved each others company.
Then horror struck. Whilst on holiday in Australia in 1982 David was involved in a diving accident which left him paralysed from the shoulders down.
His dreams were over. He couldn't feel himself holding a knife and fork never mind a camera.
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But wherever he went he saw situations as images. Potential photos. As he travelled around in his wheel chair all he kept seeing, in his head, was really good photos.
After a period of time he realised his problem was simple:
"The only thing I lacked was the physical ability to hold the camera"
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which to you and me means he couldn't hold it, focus it and press the button.
To David it was a simple problem - you just adapt the camera to the wheelchair, then you adapt the camera to fit your abilities. Simple!!!
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The long and the short of it was that David wrote to the camera manufacturer for help and they did. The result is that David is now taking photographs again and travelling the world to do it.
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The obvious moral to the story is that if you really want to do something you can. If you really are in touch with your vocation then nothing will stand in your way. Other people will come in and out of your life in order to help you achieve your vocation.
But what stops you and me from trusting ourselves and going for it?
If you can't guarantee that where I am going is going to be a better place then I won't start.
If you can't work out that I will succeed then I won't make the effort.
If there is an element of risk involved then I prefer to stay where I am, thank you.
What's that proverb: Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. After all, it's much better staying with something that's under par than looking for what you really want. Because you may find yourself in a worse situation!!!! Then what would you do?
One of the biggest problems of being a perfectionist is that there is no room for anything other than perfection or failure. If you run your life on having to be in charge or perfect at every stage then the only alternative is not in charge and imperfect. Therefore: failure. You cannot have excellence or success in your life, you can only have perfection or failure.
Procrastination is the blind side of perfection. What's the reason you have decided not to do it now? Why have you put off making that decision? What stops you from moving forward? Why have you applied the brake to that brilliant idea?
Procrastinators, for some reason or another, put off what they want to do and wait or do another task.
A friend of ours has the most perfect and clean kitchen. Why? Because whenever she sits down to draw, if the image doesn't develop quickly then she notices something out of place, something not cleaned recently. Anything, to stop her working through her drawing. Anything, to divert her attention.
David's story shows each of us that the only one who actually stops me achieving what I want to achieve is me.
I can blame whoever I like. I can blame whatever I like. But the bottom line is that I choose not to follow my dreams. Not to find and follow my vocation. I choose not to put the effort in. I choose to put it in the "too difficult" basket.
Don't short change yourself. Claim your right to success. Now!
By the way: you can see David's work on
Good Luck
Graham and Julie
If you want to improve and enhance the quality of your life go to: It's free.
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4:54 AM
You Must Name It to Claim It!
"If you do not know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere." (Henry Kissinger)
"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want." (Ben Stein)
"When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative ‘success mechanism' within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or willpower." (Maxwell Maltz)
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"You seldom get what you go after unless you know in advance what you want." (Maurice Switzer)
What do you want for your life? What do you want your life to be about? What will be your legacy? You'll bounce out of bed in the mornings when you have some crystal clear responses to these questions.
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Most of us travel through time in reaction to all that comes our way, rather than being proactive in accomplishing our goals. The first step to achieving any desired outcome is being clear about your chosen direction and knowing your intentions.
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One way to gain clarity is by spending some quiet time and pondering some questions. The following is a list to help elicit information that you might use, to be more in touch with your life's purpose.
What are the things you really love?
What do you find disdainful?
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What thrills you?
What do you live to do?
What is the most important thing in life?
What three values those who know me best would use to describe what you stand for?
What are the three values you hold that motivate you to get up and get going everyday?
If you absolutely knew you could not fail, what is it that you would now attempt?
What were the things you spent most of your time on when you were young?
What do you see in your life five years from now, ten years from now & fifteen years from now?
Currently, what are the things on which you spend most of your time?
Which are the ones you would spend much more time doing if you had complete freedom in these areas?
Which are the ones on which you would spend less time?
What are the activities in your life that you clearly have chosen to do and which activities do you believe have been decided for you?
Imagine for a moment that you are 89 years old and reflecting on your life:
Who are your friends?
What are the things you are doing?
What are the smells you smell?
What are the feelings you feel?
What does your environment look like?
What memories make you extremely proud about how you lived your life?
What do you regret because it's something you had not attempted or accomplished?
Be very specific, describing everything in vivid detail, as though it really were your history that you've recorded.
Then visit and or
©Thea Westra is an international life coach who resides in Perth, Western Australia. She is editor and publisher of a free, monthly newsletter at Thea also publishes a few blogs, visit here for directional links to each.
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