
Friday, December 28, 2007

How to Speed Up Your Disability Claim

Claims often spend great amounts of time in the Social Security Disability system not because Social Security is slow, but because many claims are filed incomplete. You can shorten the amount of time your claim spends in the system by filing a complete claim. When you do file there are a number of items Social Security will need in order to process you claim. Bringing the following items will help you file a complete and efficient claim:

- Social Security card of all persons applying for benefits
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- Birth certificate of all persons applying for benefits

- Military discharge documents (if applicable)

- Dates and places of treatment

- Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of anyone who has treated you

- Names of current medication

- Medical records from all places of treatment
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- Your tax information

- Work history for the past decade and a half

- Dates of prior marriages if your spouse is applying for benefits
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And if you are applying for SSI, you also need:

- Paycheck stubs, bank records, insurance policies, car registration, burial fund records, and other information about your income and possessions

- Information about your current housing situation
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If you do not have and cannot obtain some of this information, do not forgo filing a claim. We can help, or your local Social Security office will be happy to help you collect this information. Again, the sooner you file the better. Though Social Security may award retroactive benefits, retroactive benefits may only reach back to year before your claim.

Original Social Security Disability content from

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Filing An Insurance Claim

Everything seemed pretty simple when you purchased that insurance policy. If you have a loss, just tell the insurance company about it and you will get paid - Right? Well.... it may not be quite that easy. There are some basic steps you should follow to make sure your insurance claim is paid quickly and fully. Prepare - in advance. The single most important thing that will make your life easier in the event of a loss is to be well prepared in advance. Do you have offsite copies of your computer files? What about paper files? If this is some kind of property loss, you will need to document the value. If you have to try to reconstruct records that were destroyed, it will delay your insurance payment and make it much harder for you to prove the value of your loss.
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Estimate your loss. While it may not be possible to know the full extent of the loss, develop an estimate. If it is close to or below your deductible, you are probably better off not filing the insurance claim. Your rates will be based in part on your claims history so there is no advantage to you in filing a claim you will end up paying for out of your own pocket. Be careful, however, as most insurance policies require you to report a loss within a certain timeframe, usually 2 - 4 weeks.
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Call your agent. Many insurance companies ask that you report your claim directly to the claims department. This is more efficient for them but not necessarily better for you. Your insurance agent may represent the company but his income depends on keeping his customers happy. Independent agents, in particular, are small business owners and owe their primary loyalty to their business. If you're a small business owner, your insurance agent understands that his business depends on keeping his customers happy.
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Keep in touch with the adjuster. Ultimately the insurance company will assign an adjuster to work with you to estimate and pay the loss. Work closely with the adjuster and respond quickly and completely to his requests for information. The easier you make his job, the quicker you will get paid.
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Consider an independent adjuster. If your loss is large and complex, it may pay you to hire an independent adjuster to work on your behalf. If you do decide to take this step, make sure you hire an adjuster who has experience with your type of business loss.

Lana Hampton makes it easy to find the insurance that's right for your needs. Visit her Insurance website today for the latest news and information.

Criminal Injury Claim - Are You Serious

Injuries due to criminal activities, can be one of the most complex and traumatic experiences that anyone can suffer. A criminal injury claim in these terrible incidents, can profoundly affect both the victim and the victim's friends and family, leaving both emotional and physical scars that can last a lifetime.Few people understand the sensitive and complicated nature of criminal injury claims and can sympathise with those who require the legal help often necessary after these incidents. Criminal injury compensation is especially unique and each case must be dealt with in a unique manner.

Getting Started Can Be The Hardest Part
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The most difficult part of a criminal compensation claim, quite often, is coming to the decision to seek one. Serious crimes, that leave the victims injured both physically and mentally can have all sorts of impacts, depending on the person.
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Far too often, the victim chooses to put the incident behind them, without persuing for justice that they deserve because they feel that a court case will just make things worse. That's when a trusted compensation solicitor comes in handy.
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Because of the sensitive nature of these cases, a trustworthy and caring solicitor will be your best friend in the battle. If you feel comfortable with your injury solicitor, then you will be able to get the verdict and the compensation you've been hoping for. Together, you can turn this whole incident around and find the silver lining in the cloud.
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Don't Be Victimised! Fight Back!

After suffering a criminal incident such as an assault, many victims tend to shun away and try to bury the memory, in hopes that it will go away. This, unfortunately, is probably the worst thing anyone can do, while we understand the trauma that has been suffered, we must push hard for a compensation claim, because it is the right thing to do.

Allowing those who have hurt you to remain free from responsibilities is unacceptable. Finding the right accident compensation solicitor and taking those responsible to court is the right and justice thing to do, as you could possibly prevent them from assaulting others.

From Victim To Victor!

Take back your life and get the compensation you deserve. Go from being a victim to a victor and make them pay!

Getting the compensation you deserve can be a turning point in this tiring time, but you must not forget to choose the right solicitor in your battle, it can mean all the difference in the final outcome.

Start Today And Make Them Pay!

If you are a victim of a crime and have been injured, and are still not convinced that an accident claim is the way to go, then please read the following:

• If it was someone you cared or loved was hurt in a criminal activity, wouldn't you push hard for justice?

• Even if the victim was reluctant and wanted to forget the whole thing, you would know better, because you cared and knew they weren't thinking clearly.

• Not pursuing the compensation deserved can be a regretful decision, with many people coming to the realisation too late.

• Don't become just another victim, just another statistic that is left to deal with the traumatic experience by yourself.

• There are solicitors who care, who will fight hard and win for you, who are not only concerned with the bottom line, but getting their clients life back on track.

• Don't hesitate, make the decision and take charge today, you won't regret it.

It's easy to proceed with a criminal injury claim and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of criminal injuries at

Why Don't More People Claim Compensation?

Why don't more people injured at work claim compensation?

It is estimated by the Health and Safety Executive that UK workers sustain 850,000 injuries at work every year, but 9/10 of these people do not get any compensation.There are a number of possible reasons why this is so.

1. Eligibility for compensation

To make a claim following an accident at work it needs to be proved that the employer failed in their duty of care to provide a safe environment for the employee (this is known as negligence) and that an injury occurred as a result.
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A duty of care is the legal responsibility that an employer has to take practical steps to protect his employees from harm. There are conditions to this; duty of care is limited to what is deemed reasonable.
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There are all sorts of ways that an employer could fail in their duty of care. Just a few examples of this are: a lack of safety equipment, dangerous machinery or premises, and a lack of proper training or supervision.

If an employee is injured in an accident caused by their employer's negligence, they are entitled to claim compensation.
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2. Making a claim

Many people are deterred from making a claim simply because they don't know how to.

The first thing to do is to get legal advice from a solicitor who specialises in personal injury law or a reputable accident compensation company on whether you have a valid claim. The best place to start is by typing ‘compensation claim' into a search engine ( Expect advice without obligation or pressure to make a claim, but if either occurs, go elsewhere.
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If you decide to go ahead with your claim, your chosen representation should be able to give you all the advice and guidance you need.

3. Financial risk

People associate legal action with high costs that they can ill afford, so naturally, this puts them off from making a compensation claim.

There are three ways in which a claim can be funded:

1. Public funding (formally known as Legal Aid)

Legal Aid was withdrawn in 1998 for most personal injury claims, the main exception being in clinical and medical negligence cases. A no win, no fee scheme was introduced in its place.

"No win, no fee" means that the person claiming does not have to pay for their solicitor fees in the event that the claim is lost. However, they would still be liable to pay for the other side's solicitor fees and costs.

Some companies completely protect their customers from all costs and fees, whilst others do not. It is very important to be clear what kind of agreement you are signing up to before instructing a firm to act on your claim.

Another important thing to consider when choosing representation is what they want in the event of a successful claim. Some can take up to 40% of the compensation awarded, whilst others take none.

2. Legal expenses insurance

Legal expenses insurance is often attached to motor insurance policies and household contents insurance, and it covers the costs of legal proceedings in the event of a claim.

For example, if an injury happened through a car accident, legal expenses insurance could be called upon to pay for fees when making a personal injury claim.

3. Private funding

The option is open for people to fund a solicitor to make a personal injury claim for them. However, this is not recommended, because if the claim is unsuccessful, the person making the claim will have to pay not only their fees, but their opponent's fees and costs too, and this can cost thousands of pounds.

On the subject of choosing the right representation, Sophie Evans of says,

"It is really important to make sure you understand fully the terms of any agreement you are thinking of entering into. Do not be afraid to ask lots of questions; find out if you would be liable to pay for any fees or costs for either side if you win or lose, find out if they take a cut of your compensation. If you choose the right company, your claim will be totally free and there will be no financial risk, whether your personal injury claim is successful or not."

4. Fear of damage to career prospects

It is understandable that people would be nervous about making a compensation claim against their employer, but in reality few people experience harassment at work after bringing a personal injury claim.

Employers understand that it is a legal entitlement for a compensation claim to be brought if there has been an injury at work that was the fault of the company, so victimisation is rare. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) harassing or bullying an employee at any time is unlawful.

In practice the claim is dealt with by the insurance company that covers the employer, so the boss of the person making the claim probably will not have as much involvement as might be expected. Separate action could be taken against an employer if there was any harassment or victimisation.

5. Social stigma

In America, the "compensation culture" is considered by many to be out of control, and people are fearful that Britain could be headed the same way. There have been some compensation claim companies who have used all sorts of distasteful tactics, including approaching injured people in hospital, encouraging frivolous claims and encouraging people to exaggerate the severity of their injuries.

However, the number of compensation claims that are being made in Britain has been decreasing in recent years so it seems that the UK is not headed in the same direction as America. There are a number of excellent companies that simply give the public access to personal injury compensation without adopting any underhand practices.

There may also be an element of social stigma involved with making a compensation claim. Some people may feel that the stereotypical claimant is an opportunist, out for to make money for even a very minor injury.

However, most claims are genuine, made by people who have had financial losses and suffered pain due to their injury, and they are simply looking to get compensation for the effects of their accident.

It is quickly forgotten that people have been successfully claiming compensation for many years. It is a civil and legal right to claim recompense for losses from a negligent party, and making a compensation claim is simply the exercising of that right. provides free, no obligation 24 hour legal advice online, or over the phone on 0800 10 757 95. A truly no cost personal injury compensation claim service, whether your claim is successful or not.

Editorial notes: YouClaim provides a free, ethical personal injury compensation service to people who have had an accident at work or in any other situation.

Author: Alexandra Gubbins. For more information, call 0800 10 757 95 or go to

Claim Your Right to Success

David Constance was a young man in love with photography. Wherever David went so too, his beloved camera. It was his constant companion. The more they lived together the better they got. Like any loving couple the two together made three or four not two. They produced fantastic photos together. They just loved each others company.

Then horror struck. Whilst on holiday in Australia in 1982 David was involved in a diving accident which left him paralysed from the shoulders down.

His dreams were over. He couldn't feel himself holding a knife and fork never mind a camera.
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But wherever he went he saw situations as images. Potential photos. As he travelled around in his wheel chair all he kept seeing, in his head, was really good photos.

After a period of time he realised his problem was simple:

"The only thing I lacked was the physical ability to hold the camera"
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which to you and me means he couldn't hold it, focus it and press the button.

To David it was a simple problem - you just adapt the camera to the wheelchair, then you adapt the camera to fit your abilities. Simple!!!
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The long and the short of it was that David wrote to the camera manufacturer for help and they did. The result is that David is now taking photographs again and travelling the world to do it.
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The obvious moral to the story is that if you really want to do something you can. If you really are in touch with your vocation then nothing will stand in your way. Other people will come in and out of your life in order to help you achieve your vocation.

But what stops you and me from trusting ourselves and going for it?


If you can't guarantee that where I am going is going to be a better place then I won't start.

If you can't work out that I will succeed then I won't make the effort.

If there is an element of risk involved then I prefer to stay where I am, thank you.

What's that proverb: Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. After all, it's much better staying with something that's under par than looking for what you really want. Because you may find yourself in a worse situation!!!! Then what would you do?

One of the biggest problems of being a perfectionist is that there is no room for anything other than perfection or failure. If you run your life on having to be in charge or perfect at every stage then the only alternative is not in charge and imperfect. Therefore: failure. You cannot have excellence or success in your life, you can only have perfection or failure.

Procrastination is the blind side of perfection. What's the reason you have decided not to do it now? Why have you put off making that decision? What stops you from moving forward? Why have you applied the brake to that brilliant idea?

Procrastinators, for some reason or another, put off what they want to do and wait or do another task.

A friend of ours has the most perfect and clean kitchen. Why? Because whenever she sits down to draw, if the image doesn't develop quickly then she notices something out of place, something not cleaned recently. Anything, to stop her working through her drawing. Anything, to divert her attention.

David's story shows each of us that the only one who actually stops me achieving what I want to achieve is me.

I can blame whoever I like. I can blame whatever I like. But the bottom line is that I choose not to follow my dreams. Not to find and follow my vocation. I choose not to put the effort in. I choose to put it in the "too difficult" basket.

Don't short change yourself. Claim your right to success. Now!

By the way: you can see David's work on

Good Luck

Graham and Julie

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You Must Name It to Claim It!

"If you do not know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere." (Henry Kissinger)

"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want." (Ben Stein)

"When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative ‘success mechanism' within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or willpower." (Maxwell Maltz)
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"You seldom get what you go after unless you know in advance what you want." (Maurice Switzer)

What do you want for your life? What do you want your life to be about? What will be your legacy? You'll bounce out of bed in the mornings when you have some crystal clear responses to these questions.
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Most of us travel through time in reaction to all that comes our way, rather than being proactive in accomplishing our goals. The first step to achieving any desired outcome is being clear about your chosen direction and knowing your intentions.
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One way to gain clarity is by spending some quiet time and pondering some questions. The following is a list to help elicit information that you might use, to be more in touch with your life's purpose.

What are the things you really love?

What do you find disdainful?
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What thrills you?

What do you live to do?

What is the most important thing in life?

What three values those who know me best would use to describe what you stand for?

What are the three values you hold that motivate you to get up and get going everyday?

If you absolutely knew you could not fail, what is it that you would now attempt?

What were the things you spent most of your time on when you were young?

What do you see in your life five years from now, ten years from now & fifteen years from now?

Currently, what are the things on which you spend most of your time?

Which are the ones you would spend much more time doing if you had complete freedom in these areas?

Which are the ones on which you would spend less time?

What are the activities in your life that you clearly have chosen to do and which activities do you believe have been decided for you?

Imagine for a moment that you are 89 years old and reflecting on your life:

Who are your friends?

What are the things you are doing?

What are the smells you smell?

What are the feelings you feel?

What does your environment look like?

What memories make you extremely proud about how you lived your life?

What do you regret because it's something you had not attempted or accomplished?

Be very specific, describing everything in vivid detail, as though it really were your history that you've recorded.

Then visit and or

©Thea Westra is an international life coach who resides in Perth, Western Australia. She is editor and publisher of a free, monthly newsletter at Thea also publishes a few blogs, visit here for directional links to each.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How to Make a Claim Against Your Mover

Most people find that moving eventually exceeds their budget by considerable amounts. This is because we don't pay attention to the nitty-gritty of moving. If you want to have a good control on costs you need to strategize the moving.

Here are some simple tips:

1. Never choose a mover because he is friendly or close by. Make a comparison of costs by asking for estimates from at least three movers and checking the estimates carefully to ensure there are no hidden costs.
2. Ensure that the mover does not hand over a vague agreement with a lot of convoluted terms. He must give you a guaranteed not to exceed estimate. The estimate should include details of licenses, permits, shipping costs, insurance, packing , storage and so on.

3. Don't just pack all you have. Make time to take an inventory and determine what essentials are and what sentimental things are. If you can find out how much space your new home will have and the climate of the region. Put aside emotions and decide to take only essentials. If your home is owned by you, consider renting it out partially furnished, or give away things to charity, or put into storage. The fewer the things to be moved the lower the movers bill will be.
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4. Reduce the bill by packing unbreakable things yourself. Find out if this is acceptable to the mover's terms and conditions. Let the movers pack breakable and valuable items.
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5. Purchase special packing boxes wholesale this will cut costs considerably. If your move is planned well in advance you could collect empty cartons to pack unbreakable items and books from the local merchant.

6. If you are moving close by you could consider handling the move yourself by using au-haul.
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7. Costs can be reduced if you use old newspapers, blankets, sheets and t-shirts as packing material instead of buying bubble wrap for everything.

8. Packing tape, rope, and string should be purchased whole sale.

9. Calculate the costs of flying as against driving down and incurring expenses of overnight stay as well as food and beverage.
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10. Find out whether you will get any tax relief on moving expenses and purchase of insurance.

Create a budget that includes mover's estimate, packing, travel, stay, food and beverage as well as any other expenses you can think off against each entry mark what can be avoided and what is essential. Go over your notes with a professional mover or consultant.

If you can plan on moving off season this will reduce costs but create problems like school admissions and so on if you have children moving with you. Moving off season according to moving experts cuts costs by as much as 20%. Similarly one can save money by choosing to move in the middle of the month rather than beginning or end. Studies indicate that on an average an American moves at least 11 times in his life and the American Moving and Storage Association estimates that moving a nine room house from DC to LA would cost nearly US$ 12, 000 and more.

Be smart check estimates for "extras" you can do without. Trim costs but don't loose on essentials like breakage insurance.

Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find help on moving including topics on moving companies search, compare movers, moving insurance, auto transport, moving tips and more. He also freelances for the premier REVENUE SHARING discussion forum for Moving Movers Site

Injury Claim Lawyers

It all happened in a blur. You caught a glimpse of something headed toward you, fast - a black car, face in the window puckered in a permanent O. You braked. Too late. The impact sent your face into the airbag, your back into the side of the car, and your arm - somewhere. You wind up dazed, in a car that needs to be cut open, and you hurt all over. Eventually you're in the hospital in bed. The doctor congratulates you on not suffering too much injury - a few bruises here and there, he says, a cut, perhaps some strained muscles in your back. You thank him; he discharges you the next day.
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But the pain doesn't stop. It gets worse. Finally you see an orthopedic surgeon, who tells you that you have soft tissue damage and maybe a ruptured disk in your back. You will probably be in pain for the rest of your life - and if you return to your job as a construction foreman, you risk injuring yourself worse and being paralyzed as well.
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Suddenly, your whole life has changed. And it's not even your fault - the other driver, a teenager talking on a cell phone, turned right into you. But the insurance company stonewalls; there's no provable medical damage, they say. Our doctors looked at the x-rays. You're fine. You're faking your injuries.
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Faking your pain, which grows worse every day.

You need a personal injury lawyer.

Personal Injury Lawyers

A personal injury lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in representing victims in personal injury cases. He may have people who've been in a car accident, like you. Or he may be used to representing people who've been injured in industrial accidents, by doctors or other medical professionals, or by corporations who either fraudulently proclaim something safe or accidentally release something harmful. Your personal injury lawyer has heard it all; and he knows that your pain is real.
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A personal injury lawyer can do a lot for you. He can line up doctors who will examine you and your medical records to attempt to determine precisely what's wrong. For every doctor the insurance companies line up to swear that your records show no injury, he can produce an equally qualified professional to testify that they've examined you personally and you most certainly do have permanent debilitating injuries.

But it's not just car injuries that may make you require his services. In today's high-pressure workplace, you may be injured by workplace stress; one of my friends was rendered unable to work for years after she had a nervous breakdown at work in the bathroom. They sent her home. And then didn't understand why she couldn't come in the next day. Your personal injury lawyer can help you find a professional who will help you with your problems, and who will testify in court as to the extent of your damages and how they were caused.

In another case, a doctor who had been given the task of circumcising a premature infant - slipped. Just a little. But it only took a little for the circumcision to turn into a castration, and the poor little boy suffered the consequence. His parents made the very difficult decision to have him surgically changed into a girl; they sued and were awarded damages to cover the child's medical and therapy bills, and to make life easier as he grew into an adult.

Doctors and nurses and other medical professionals make mistakes ( Sometimes they admit them; often, they don't. A personal injury lawyer will stand by you, help you find alternate medical treatment, and then support your case as you sue the professional who injured you.

Sometimes companies do bad things and cover them up. Asbestos, though it was restricted years ago, still causes damage to people today. Chemical spills that are covered up by the violating company for fear of having to pay large sums in environmental cleanup fees can sicken hundreds if it gets into the water. At Love Canal, an entire suburb was built on top of a contaminated industrial waste dump; dozens of children were sickened, even developing leukemia, when the contaminants seeped in through basements and baseboards, poisoning the air they breathed with invisible toxins.

Sometimes companies do bad things accidentally, or because they didn't study the situation enough. Pharmaceutical companies have a very difficult time studying enough people to rule out harm; recently, drugs like Vioxx have made the news when they caused serious harm to people who were taking them for issues they could have lived with. Even though the harm was accidental, the company is liable for it; people died, and people had debilitating heart attacks. There are those whose lives will never be the same.

In all these cases, a personal injury lawyer can represent the victim.

How Much Does It Cost?

If you've been injured, chances are very good that you're already having financial difficulties. Therefore, personal injury lawyers have worked out a system to help victims get the legal assistance they need without paying anything up front. It's called a contingency payment plan.

Their fee is contingent upon you winning your case. You pay nothing up front. If the lawyer loses your lawsuit against your injurer, you pay nothing at all. If the lawyer wins your case, however, you pay a specified percentage of your claim to him. That's it.

By using this system, personal injury lawyers have helped out millions of people who would otherwise have had to suffer in poverty and silence while those who caused them injury went unpunished. A personal injury lawyer helps see that justice is served. More information available at

Phil Edwards works as a writer for several financial companies including Personal Injury Accident Claim, and Remortgages

How To Calculate Your Whiplash Claim

How much is the pain and discomfort of your whiplash injury worth? A fair question, after all a whiplash injury is painful - so you should be compensated accordingly. Unfortunately, however, the level of compensation you get for your injury following an accident will depend on a number of variable factors. The Whiplash Compensation Claim

The first of the variable factors will depend on how you make your whiplash injury claim. If you make a compensation claim directly against the insurance company, then you will likely be compensated in accordance with the settlement agreement you make with the insurance company.
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However, if you decide to seek the advice of a compensation solicitor to handle your whiplash compensation, then you could be entitled to compensation categorised as

(i) General Damages and

(2) Special Damages.

General Damages For Whiplash
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The overall amount that you may be entitled to under General Damages is difficult to determine as it is paid for the physical pain and suffering (i.e. the actual damage - such as a whiplash neck injury or something more serious) that you encounter as a direct result of the accident you had.
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You may also be allowed to claim for emotional pain and loss of enjoyment of life as part of General Damages. Finally, if the pain and suffering you encounter as a result of your injury causes you to suffer psychological disorders, such as depression, then this may also be included in your compensation claim.
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Although General Damage sums awarded by a court will be dependant on their set guidlelines, the details of your medical report detailing the extent of the whiplash, the actual injuries caused, and the possible harm it has had on your emotional state will, all play a pivotal part in the whiplash injury claim.

Special Damages For Whiplash

Unlike General Damages, Special Damages can be fixed to some degree and are payable to you as a result of you having encountered certain special losses because of the accident.

In particular, Special Damages are payable on any loss of earnings (including any potential loss of future earnings as a result of the accident) you may have to endure while you recover from the accident; car hire expenses you have to pay as a result of your car being in the repair shop; if you have to pay someone to look after you while you recover from your whiplash, these can be recovered; and if you have paid for medical attention to treat the injury, you can also include these in your claim.

If you want to claim for Special Damages you need to keep a careful track of all the payments you have made and where possible you'll need to have receipts.

Insurance Settlement

If you decide that you do not want to make a whiplash injury compensation claim through the courts, then you need to agree to enter into a settlement agreement with the insurance company. In this case you need to make sure you read the terms of the settlement agreement very carefully as insurance settlement claims usually contain provisions

(1) that the insurance company can pay you in instalments, rather than a one-off lump-sum payment;

(2) that once you have been paid the whiplash compensation by the insurance company you cannot reopen the claim in the future to try and get some more money and agree to no longer hold the insurance company liable for any future cost or loss.

Limitation Period To Bring A Claim

If you have recently suffered a whiplash injury, then you have a period of 3 years from the date of the injury in which to bring proceedings to court. If you fail to bring your whiplash claim to the courts within this time you will have forfeited your right to make a claim.

Whiplash Injury Solicitor

Whether you have suffered a neck injury, back injury, or bruising, in order to know exactly what your rights are you should seek a consultation with a personal injury solicitor or lawyer as soon as you can following the accident and in any case before you agree to sign any settlement agreement with any insurance company as they are not obligated to tell you what your legal rights are but also what compensation you should be entitled to.

It's easy to proceed with a whiplash compensation and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of injury claims at

Monday, October 29, 2007

Insurance Claims

When you are involved in an accident insurance claims may not be the first thoughts on your mind. However, there are some procedures you should follow in order to preserve your right to file an insurance claim. This may be anything from hail damage to a stolen vehicle and does not refer solely to car accidents.

The first thing you want to do is prevention. Most insurance claims can be prevented even before the incident occurs. For instance, to prevent auto accident’s be cautious and think about taking a defensive driving course. To prevent stolen vehicle insurance claims, keep you vehicle locked up and parked in a secure place. To prevent damage from the forces of nature do not travel in bad weather and keep your car in a covered parkway. There are many ways to prevent yourself from incurring loss. Most ideas are just common sense. However, for more information contact your insurance agent for ideas on prevention. Next, you will want to remain calm. When disaster strikes people react. That is our nature. However, sometimes people’s reactions can make things worse on their insurance claims.

If you’re in a car accident this might mean taking the blame, leaving the scene of an accident, or putting your self in danger. If you’re car is stolen you may act on your reaction by accusing innocent persons. There are a number of problems that can arise when people over react that is why it is essential to your insurance claim for you to remain calm.

Now, the next thing you need to be aware of is time. You see, time is not on your side when filing an insurance claim. The longer you wait the less your chances are of recovering your loss. Most insurance companies will not even consider a claim if it was turned in a certain amount of time after the incident. It is also harder to prove the longer you go before submitting an insurance claim.

Finally, you will want to follow procedures and document everything. Insurance companies are hit with frauds all the time. In order to weed out the actual claims from the fraudulent ones, they have to have clear cut procedures. Unfortunately, this can sometimes be confusing to actual victims. Yet, they are in place out of the need to protect the company. This means that you will have to educate yourself to what the policies are. Find out what documentation you need and what forms you will have to file. If you need help, contact your insurance agent. That is what they are there for. If you follow this advice, you should be able to file a claim relatively easy and with the least amount of lag time before payment.

About the author:
Alan Jason Smith is the owner of http://www.lanzinsurance.comwhich is a great place to find insurance links, resources and articles. For more information go to:

Personal Injury Compensation Claims Culture

The "compensation culture" has been given a rather bad name over recent years; this is due to the large increase in no win no fee compensation claims not just in the States, but also across the globe. The question is, who is really to blame for this increase in claims?

People seeking such compensation claims have been described as "money grabbers" from a kerb tripping generation, personally I beg to differ, although it is true that there have been (and possibly will be more) false compensation claims from people wishing to make a fast buck, the majority of cases are from genuine victims of personal injury accidents which could have been avoided.

Personal Injury Compensation Claims are often made against organizations or individuals who have been the cause of accidents that should not have happened; with a little more due care and attention the whole incident could have been avoided.

Victims of accidents who have received personal injury due to an accident that was not their fault should be encouraged to make a personal injury compensation claim, this will not only compensate them for any injury or suffering caused, it will also remind organizations and individuals just how important it is to ensure that due care and attention is always made, especially in the working environment!

About the author:
Personal Injury Compensation Claims are increasing throughout the western word, but if you are entitled to make a claim, shouldn't you, for more information contact Paul Rooney Partnership

Sunday, October 28, 2007

How and Why to Prepare Now For a Disaster Insurance Claim

The time to prepare for a disaster claim is now, not after a disaster strikes. It is not really very hard to do and will help you and the insurance company to process your claim quicker and more efficiently, with less stress. You definitely want to be one of the first to have your claim settled. It will be settled faster and possibly more generously. After all, at first the insurance company is anxious to settle your claim quickly because they know they will eventually get bogged down with the thousands of claims they will have to handle. They may be willing to be a "little" more generous to the first claims settled. They want you to be happy and out of the way quickly so that they can close your file and move on to the next policy holders.

There will be thousands reporting claims in the first couple of weeks following a disaster. How can you be sure to be among the first settled? BE PREPARED! What do I mean by that? Do you remember in school and maybe still in large office buildings when there were fire drills? The reason for this was so everyone knew what they were expected to do in case of a disaster. The news and talk shows are always telling us to have drills for our families in case of fire, floods, hurricanes and other disasters. This is a great idea! But we are concerned now with after the disaster. The same idea applies.
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First read your insurance policies- all of them. Pay attention to what is covered and especially to what is not covered. If something is not covered, damage by flooding or earthquake or some expensive antique, a piece of jewelry, etc. and you feel you need the coverage, this is the time to find it out, and not when you are stressed from the disaster. Look into it now, don't wait. If you don't understand your insurance make an appointment with your insurance agent. He or she will be happy to go over and explain what is covered and what is not covered by the policies that you have now. It will be well worth the time spent doing this if for no other reason than peace of mind.
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Keep your receipts for all expensive items or items that are unique. Pictures are helpful too. If an item is old or you do not have a receipt for it, have it appraised. It is a lot easier and less costly to do now than after it is gone or damaged. Have several different copies of the pictures, receipts and appraisals. Keep one set handy at home so you can have it at a moment's notice. (Take it with you if you can if you evacuate.) Put one in a safe deposit box in a bank or in a file at the office if one is available to you and also, if you have family or close friends that live away swap copies with them or scan copies to a cd and send it to them. This way, you are covered on all fronts. It may seem extreme but I have recently had a friend living with me, a victim of Katrina. She lost her home, her office was destroyed and the bank that housed her safe deposit box was damaged and did not open for 8 months. She could access her money from a branch of the bank but not what was in her safe deposit box. Had she sent copies of her papers to someone out of harms way, it would have helped. Also as a side note, safe deposit boxes are neither fireproof nor waterproof. Since they are in the vault, it would have to be an extremely hot fire to burn the things in the box but since water can get in you may want to keep any papers in plastic zip bags.
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Tell family members where everything is and what your plans are in case of a disaster. If you have to evacuate and can't return immediately or if you are injured and can't take care of business for a while, they can have all the information that they need to get things started efficiently and to handle what they can as you would want them handled.
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Charlene Mattel is founder of and has worked in the insurance industry for almost 30 years. She understands how confusing all of the different insurance policies can be so she created a website to explain all types of insurance in plain English, to help you buy the policy and coverage that you really need and at the best price.

Medical Negligence Claim - Has Your Well-Being Been Affected?

Historically, courts in England and Wales have been very reluctant to find in favour of a plaintiff in any medical negligence claim brought against hospitals or local authorities.

Thus, in order to determine whether or not you have a claim for medical negligence, it is essential that you seek the advice of a medical negligence solicitor as soon as you possibly can after the event that transpired that led you to believe that you were entitled to injury compensation.
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Overview - Establishing A 'Duty Of Care'

The crux to any medical negligence claim you make, whether such be against the doctor who operated on you, the hospital where you had the treatment, or the local authority under whose control the hospital comes under (or the NHS directly itself), is being able to prove that you were owed, what is known in legal jargon as, a 'duty of care'.
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In this regard, clinical negligence will arise if you were owed such a duty of care and you were not treated with a reasonable degree of skill that would otherwise be expected from a skilled medical practitioner.

As such, if your doctor treated you in such a way that it could be considered careless, or lacked the training required, or if they disregarded the normal rules associated with treating your problem, then you may have grounds for a medical negligence claim.
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Keep in mind, however, that previously the courts have said that even in situations where doctors have been 'on-call' for 24 and 36 hours, or more, and mistakes were made due to fatigue in service, a medical negligence claim may not get intimidated - so, it is imperative that you have a medical negligence solicitor representing you and protecting your interests from the outset if you want to stand any chance of winning your medical negligence case.
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The 'Standard Of Care'

You would have thought that being a doctor was sufficient to assume that they should know what they're doing and have reasonably foreseen if they did cock-up, as it would result in a clinical negligence claim.

It is unfortunate in the UK, in any accident claim that involves doctors or medical practitioners, things can get nasty. For them it's wasted years of education if they get banned.

The medical profession is a close community and in most cases they will not admit that someone within their profession was negligent unless the actions of that person could be considered grossly negligent. For this reason you'll need a good and experience solicitor in medical negligent claims.

Prescription Period

If you believe that you have a cause to sue for medical negligence compensation, then you are required to start your claim proceedings within three (3) years from the event that caused the accident injury.

If you are entitled to claim, one of the few exemptions to this rule is medical incapacity. Otherwise, if you do not start your injury claim process before this time, you will forfeit your right to claim for compensation. As such, if a med neg situation does arise, see a specialised solicitor as soon as you can.

Cannot Afford To See A Solicitor

If you believe that you cannot afford to seek the advice of a medical negligence solicitor following what you believe is clinical negligence, don't worry - you can find solicitors these days who are willing to listen to your story and submit a claim on your behalf based on a 'no win no fee' basis.

Fortunately, in some cases no win no fee solicitors don't even take a consultation fee from you. You can make arrangements with your solicitor who will submit a claim for their fees at the conclusion of your case against the insurance company of your opponent (after you win).

So, if you believe you have a claim for medical negligence, don't be put off seeing a solicitor until tomorrow, go and see a no win no fee specialist in medical negligence today.

It's easy to proceed with a medical negligence claim and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of medical claims at

Friday, September 28, 2007

Whiplash Compensation Claim - Take These Actions

Even the most cynical of us would agree that occasionally accidents do happen. However, more often than not, an 'accident' isn't really an 'accident' at all and a certain level of fault for the accident has to be placed squarely on the shoulder of the person who caused the accident. The same is certainly true in the case of a car accident. So, how would you go about getting proper whiplash compensation following a car accident? Unlike other injuries that can occur in a car accident, more often than not the symptoms of whiplash, such as a whiplash neck injury, will not manifest themselves until the morning after. Usually, the accident will cause the whiplash to manifest in the form of:
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• a headache, most likely all over the head with particular emphasis on the back of the head, or the forehead, or behind the eyes of the victim; or

• neck pain; or

• both of the above, with the headache likely to be more painful initially than the neck ache, but with the neck ache likely to be more prolonged and with the chance of this developing into Osteoarthritis in the future.
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So, with an accident injury of this nature, i.e. one that does not manifest itself immediately, you would think that making a whiplash injury compensation claim would be an extremely onerous task - as causation proof of the injury would be difficult. However, you can make it easier to make a compensation claim for whiplash if you adhere to the following guideline procedures following the accident:
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1. As Soon As You Can, Write Down Exactly What Happened That Caused The Accident To Happen

When you write your notes about what happened to cause the accident, which you should try and do as soon as you can following the accident. You need to make notes of exactly what happened leading up to the accident, during the accident and subsequent to the accident. You should also take note of:
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• where the accident took place

• what the weather conditions were like (e.g. was it foggy and slippery?)

• what the time was

• whether there were any witnesses who can verify your story

• exactly what you said to the other person(s) involved

If possible you should use your mobile phone camera to take photographs of the damage done to your car and you, as well as of the road surface and the general weather conditions.

2. Have A Medical Examination Immediately

Even if you are not feeling too bad following your accident, it can take a few hours, even a sleep, for the symptoms of whiplash to manifest. However, the longer you leave it until you get a medical examination the more chance there will be that the person who caused the accident can say that your injuries could have been caused by something else other than the car accident. Or, worse, the whiplash injuries could have been mitigated if only you had sought medical attention earlier.

To protect both yourself and your potential whiplash injury compensation claim, you should take yourself off to the hospital and have a complete medical examination as soon as you can, following the accident. Once you have had the examination you should ask the doctor to write a report detailing the chances of you having suffered an injury as a result of the accident - including the chances of you having suffered whiplash.

If you do this, you may well find that it is a lot harder for the person who caused your injury to claim that the whiplash was the cause of anything but their actions.

Keep in mind that whiplash injuries can have lasting effects. They can also have a very dramatic effect on your life - especially if they manifest into Osteoarthritis. So do not take a potential whiplash injury lightly and make sure that you protect any future rights that you may have to bring a whiplash injury claim.

It's easy to proceed with a whiplash compensation and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of whiplash injury claims at

Car Accidents in the UK - How to Claim


It is thought that there are around 2 million in road accidents in the UK every year. Fortunately most accidents are relatively minor and do not involve bodily injury. Irrespective of whether there is a personal injury or not it is fair to say that accidents of this nature are extremely inconvenient and can very often cause considerable expense to those involved. There are certain legal requirements that must be met by any individuals involved in a road accident. The law demands that you should always stop at the scene and exchange personal details and insurance information with the other party. The police very often will not attend minor road accidents where there has been no bodily injury and where the flow of traffic has not been obstructed. However you may wish to contact the police in any event to at least give them an opportunity to visit the scene should they deem it necessary.
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If your vehicle has been damaged in a car accident, then provided you have comprehensive insurance cover, the very first thing you should do is contact your insurance company. They will immediately arrange for the vehicle to be taken to one of their approved repairers where the damage will be assessed. If the damage can be repaired, rectification work usually starts within a week or so. But if the vehicle is considered to be a write-off, the insurance company will need to conduct a more thorough inspection of the vehicle and will then seek to make an offer of settlement to you that reflects the market value of the vehicle. They may deduct an excess if your policy is subject to such a charge.
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If your vehicle is not covered comprehensively, then you will have no choice but to claim from the other party, assuming of course that you were not responsible for the accident. Most insurers now take a proactive stance when dealing with "third-party" claims and there is every chance that in straightforward cases, your claim will be handled almost as quickly as it would be with your own comprehensive insurer.
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Notwithstanding this, there are many problems that can intervene to disrupt this process. Not least arguments on liability where another party is disputing how the accident occurred. There are of course many situations where liability ought to be shared, but even in a case where negligence is assessed at 50/50, you can and should pursue a claim for 50% of your losses.
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When making a claim against another party's insurers, you may be entitled to recover the following items:

• Repair costs • write-off / replacement vehicle value • car hire costs • loss of use • inconvenience • loss of earnings • travel expenses • additional petrol expenses • personal injury

They may of course be other items, but the above list probably accounts for the majority of claims in this sector.

If you have been injured in a Road accident, you may be entitled to claim for pain and suffering compensation. It is always advisable in these situations to instruct a personal injury solicitor to help you with such a claim. In England and Wales most solicitors will pursue claims for injury on a "no win-no fee" basis which ensures that win or lose, an injured party will not be responsible for any legal costs. You may even have the benefit of legal expense insurance which allows you to pursue a claim without the burden of incurring any legal fees.

Perhaps the most common injury suffered in road accidents is that of whiplash. The average whiplash compensation payment is in the region of £2000. You may also be entitled to treatment or physiotherapy costs which can of course be of enormous benefit in assisting your recovery from an injury.

Martin Nolan is a legal marketer for the UK a personal injury sector. For more information please visit please visit Car Accident claims advice website.

Is The Nissan 350Z All That They Claim It Is?

If you grew up in the 70's the Datsun/Nissan Z cars where the first import car to become popular with the youth of its day. It was an affordable sports cars built in the traditional European road course style. The 240Z and the 280Z are legend and if you can find one in mint condition you will pay a pretty penny to get it. The cars of that era where not produced with the high quality steel, used in today's auto manufacturing. The early cars were prone to rust. They also suffered from poor electrical systems as well.
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But today's Z's are high quality precision driving machines, with modern electronics and, composite materials to go along with better steel. The Z cars have always been a fun to drive car and today's 350 Z is no exception.
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The 2006 Nissan 350Z Roadster is a 2-door, 2-passenger convertible sports car, available in 5 trims, ranging from the Enthusiast to the Grand Touring.

The 350Z is equipped with a standard 3.5-liter, V6, 300-horsepower engine that achieves 19-mpg in the city and 25-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission (300 hp) with overdrive is standard, and a 5-speed automatic transmission (287 hp) with overdrive is optional.
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The gas mileage is nothing to brag about, but if you can afford a sports car then you can afford the gas. It delivers excellent acceleration and sticks to the road like tar on a hot summers day.

The 2006 Nissan 350Z Roadster (msrp $39,715), has been updated for 2006. With styling and features that make it comparable to the Honda S2000, (msrp $34,050) BMW Z4, (msrp $42,100) and the Porche Boxter (msrp $45,000). The 350Z may very well be the best value for your money.
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Its roomier than the Honda. The BMW and Porche may give you a little more performance, or at least their nameplates suggest it, but the 350Z is right up there with the BMW's and the Porche's. The 350Z also costs $4,000 to 5,000 less than the BMW or the Porche. Plus the total cost to own and operate is way lower than the BMW or the Porsche.

But that's no reason to pick the 350Z. Its flat out a fun and easy car to drive and will give you as much performance as the BMW's and the Porches, and it blows the Honda away. The 300 horsepower engine is more than 50 horsepower greater than its rivals and the smooth shifting Nissan transmission, I think is superior to the BMW and Porsche.

It has 5 Trim levels, and is offered in 8 different colors, and a variety of interior packages that will allow you to customize it to your preferences. Time and again people write that the 350Z is the best value for your money in its class and I agree. With excellent braking and steering its stays true to the road and is easy to drive.

I have heard some complaints that it rides hard, well duh, it's a sports car not a Cadillac Eldorado.

If you are looking for a fun to drive car with plenty of muscle and excellent handling you have to look at the Nissan 350Z.

You have the author's permission to reprint the above article as long as you include the author's resource box.

Do you want to win a 2006 Nissan 350Z Roadster check out the Fairport Rotary Charitable Raffle at

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Preparation of Claim Chart

First, circle the independent claims, which will illustrate here with parentheses, e.g., (1) means claim 1 is independent (it always is, BTW).

Second, use an arrow after a dependent claim to show what claim it is dependent from.

Third, use the PTO check mark and equal signs (from the file wrapper claim chart format) to indicate rejected or allowed claims. "=" means allowed, "./" (the closest can get to a check mark here) means rejected.
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Fourth, draw the claim chart veritcally on the inside of the file wrapper (in the margin) - this way you get a road map of the claims during reviewing the case.

Miscellaneous notations might be added to remind you about the scope of the claims or other notes. e.g., "A" for apparatus, "M" for method, "o" for objected to, etc.
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Example: A ten claim case with 3 independent claims might have a chart like this:

A (1) ./

2 -> 1 =

3 -> 1 ./

4 -> 3 = M (5) =
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6 -> 5 =

7 -> 6 = A (8) ./

9 -> 8 o

10 -> 9 o

In day-to-day analysis of claims, people use the this type of claim tree as a way to visualize the analysis especially for complex claim structures.
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For example, in an application with 100+ claims and an extended prosecution history (e.g., with many canceled, revised, and newly added claims), a visual depiction of the dependency structure of the claims (e.g. using a tree structure similar to Windows Explorer) can be invaluable. Some people take a further step of annotating the tree structure to reflect the content of the claim and any references cited against the claim.

Another approach for making claim chart is a two-column table in every legitimate patent infringement analysis. In the left column are each and every limitation of the patented invention. In the right column is either a "yes" or "no" answer as to whether that limitation is present in the accused device or method. For example, an accused device and a claim chart are presented below:

Robert's validity chart is not only useful for 102 analyses, but also 103 analyses, particularly the combining references type. Consider

Claim 1

Reference 'A'

Reference ‘B'

A widget apparatus, comprising:

1) a frobosinator,

2) a pixilator, and

3) a green cogscreen

Widget apparatus:

Yes (col 1, line 10)

Yes (col 1, line 12)

No (but there is a blue cogscreen at col 7, line 10)

Widget subassembly



Yes (col 9, line 12)

This chart supports a rejection of claim 1 as obvious over ‘A' in view of 'B'.

The most useful automating tool that I have found is the shareware program that takes a draft specification and produces reports of the numbered items referred to in the claims and produces reports with respect to the same. It saves time in producing a Sec. 112 check. For the most part, I have found analysis of claims not to be terribly difficult to do with human eyeball, but can see massive problems in trying to do them automatically, making it a project unsuitable for automation, because the cost/benefit ratio seems unfavorable. On the other hand, while this is certainly true for novelty searches, where you compare the claims of your application with the teachings of the prior art, where you pretty much ignore the claims, it may not be so true for a validity search, where you compare the claims of many patents with the accused device.

Vinod Kumar Singh

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Motorcycle Accident Claim - Your Compensation!

Motorcycles and motorbikes belong to a group of vehicles that often take part in a small number of road accidents. The statistics speak for itself, as motorcycle riders are just 1% of traffic. Therefore a motorcycle accident claim is small in number, but they suffer 19% of deaths and serious injuries. In the year 2002 over 600 motorcyclists died in road traffic accidents and almost 7000 suffered from serious injuries.

A head injury is the most often cause of death and serious injuries in a motorcycle accident. A motorcyclist is 45 times more likely to be killed in a road accident than a car driver.
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Cause Of A Motorcycle Accident

Reasons may vary - not only other road users may cause the accident but also highway authorities are often responsible for them. Poor maintenance of roads, resulting in road surface damages which is a common result of a motorcycle accident claim.
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Lack of seatbelts and any outside protection granted by cars also raise the risk of serious injuries for motorcyclists. The other problem is visibility - motorbikes belong to a group of road users vulnerable to not being seen well, making up to a 1/3 of a cars visibility.
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What To Begin With

There are some general rules about motorbike accidents that one should be aware of. Firstly, always make sure if the police attend the scene ensure a detailed report of the accident, even if it seems insignificant. Even the smallest injuries or damage to your motorbike or anything carried on it can underlie a successful accident claim.
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Secondly, you can make a compensation claim if your motorbike accident was not your fault or your fault was only partial. Your speed and wearing a protective helmet are among many details, which must be considered while the fault is being determined.

Thirdly, time matters, so every accident should be reported as soon as possible. If the person responsible for your accident doesn't stop or has no insurance, you can still make a claim however, it will be dealt with the Motor Insurers Bureau.

MIB is an organization, who provide compensation for victims of accidents involving uninsured drivers and hit-and-run cases.

It's Not Easy?

As you will notice, dealing with a motorcycle injury claim is quite complicated and it requires a fast and professional reaction. But how can you react fast enough and take care of all these details if you have suffered serious health problems caused by the accident?

The best you can do in this situation is to employ a personal injury solicitor. An accident solicitor's help is an absolute must to handle your compensation claim. Details such as - injury assessment, accident reports, claim preparations, etc.

What is important, you don't risk anything, thanks to a 'no win no fee' arrangement, which simply means that if your case wins, you keep the winnings and if lost, all costs are paid by solicitor.

Enough Risk - Let's Do It Safely!

Riding a motorcycle is a wonderful experience as may know but it is risky and injuries involving motorcycle accidents are often very serious. Isn't all this risk enough? Do you need to take another risk even after the accident by trying to handle the claim yourself or employing some company, which cares more about the money than about your well-being and successful claim?

Make use of a personal injury solicitor under a no win no fee arrangement and take no more unnecessary risk. After your suffering, you deserve a good and stress-free compensation. You can have it with some help of an accident solicitor.

It's easy to make a motorcycle accident claim, if you know how. Learn the 12 revolutions of the new injury claim culture at and get a free assessment.

Accident at Work Claim - The Essentials

An accident at work claim has probably crossed your mind, and rightfully so; every year, thousands of hard working individuals are left injured or disabled due to unsafe workplace conditions, who do exactly the same.

An injury at work can strike out of nowhere, leaving you jobless and wondering how and why it happened. Any job, regardless of the industry or position you're in, has its own unique dangers, whether they're heavy machinery, or undue stress at the office; these hazardous conditions can leave you unable to re-enter the workforce, left to rely on small compensation payments that barely make ends meet. Understand Your Rights! Laws To Protect Workers

As an employee, it is your right to work in a safe environment. Unfortunately many workplaces fail to meet safety standards, without your knowledge. Once injured, some workplaces will attempt to cover-up the facts or blame the injured for his/her "incompetence", which is rarely the case. Accident do occur...
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Don't allow the facts of your suffering to be twisted to make you look like the bad guy, take charge, understand your rights, and make your employer financially responsible for the suffering that has been inflicted upon you.
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You Gave 100% At Work

When working, you provided your employer with dedication and hard work, making the business a better place. Now that you're hurt and unable to work, you feel as if you've been swept out the door and quickly forgotten. It seems as if your employer is merely worried about saving money rather than being a helping aid in your time of need, and on top of all that, it's their fault.
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Filing a workplace injury claim is your best bet for receiving the fair compensation that you deserve, not just any billboard accident solicitor. Choosing a specialised solicitor for workplace accidents is an important step in the process.

Who Can Get Me The Compensation I Deserve?

Many people who are injured on the job feel confused and don't know where to turn. They know the company is responsible for their pain, yet don't know how to make them fully responsible for their negligence. Filing a successful accident at work claim will help bring the crucial turn-around that you've been waiting for since the injury.
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Remember, that not any accident solicitor will do; you need someone who truly understands workplace injuries and understand the suffering that is confronting you on a daily basis.

Make sure your solicitor understands the labor law and the situation you were in when injured. With a caring and trustworthy solicitor that you feel comfortable with by your side, your accident at work claim will have much greater chance of maximising the outcome that you deserve.

Take Control

With a solicitor that cares and understands your pain representing you for your injury claim, can also rebuild your confidence and power that was taken away from you.

While money will not fix everything, or take away all the suffering, but a successful compensation claim should be a critical step in taking control of your life again.

There is on the other hand a bonus for the employer... it helps them to amend or adjust the workplace to be more accident-free in the future.

It's easy to proceed with an accident at work claim and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of workplace accidents at

Is Quit Claim Deed the Best Option

Question: I Claudia am the borrower on a house I have just bought a year ago. My brother Frank is the co-borrower he wants off on the house as far as ownership an off the credit report. Will a quit claim deed work for us?

Answer: Through quit claim deed only the interest on the title of a property gets transferred. So if your brother (Co-borrower) signs a quit claim deed he can only transfer the interest on the title of the property to you or to some one else. Through quit claim deed he can sell his interest in the property and transfer all his rights in the property to you or to some one else. But doing so will not have his name written off from the mortgage.
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If he wants to get rid of the mortgage with the title of the property then he needs to undergo a process called Novation.

Novation is a process through which a mortgage gets transferred from the original borrower to the new borrower with the approval of the lender. Another option to transfer the mortgage is refinancing but many people do not prefer because it includes lot of junk fees which makes it more costly then novation.
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I will also suggest you that you take the help of an attorney so that every thing can be done as per the legal requirement.
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I would also like to mention some of the drawbacks of quit claim deed like quit claim deed only transfers the right of the individual signing the deed and has no guarantee over the ownership of other people in the same property.

Mortgage Mentor will answer all your mortgage related question. You can also take help of our glossary and mortgage calculators to know about all the mortgage related terms and necessary calculations that needs to be done before taking a mortgage.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bike Accidents - How To You Claim Compensation

It is said that the number of cyclists on our roads in the UK has doubled since the year 2000. There are around 4 million people cycling regularly either for recreation, fitness or simply to get to and from work. In London recent studies have suggested that by 2010 the numbers of cyclists in the capital will be 80% above the current level. The congestion charge, road layout improvements and safety features have all helped to increase the volumes of people willing to switch from petrol power to pedal power.
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With such an increase in volume, there is inevitably an increase in the numbers of cycle related accidents and injuries.
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If you have been injured on the road whilst riding a pedal bike then you may wish to know how you can pursue a claim.

Most accident lawyers will be able to deal with your case ideally you should instruct a firm that specialise in pedal cycle compensation.
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Most cyclists do not have the benefit of legal expenses insurance (which most car drivers tend to have as part of their motor cover) and so instead they may be forced to simply make enquiries on the internet or use a local solicitors practice to help them with a claim.
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Most cycle related claims are simple and therefore you do not necessarily need representation from a specialist solicitor. However if you want to ensure that you receive adequate compensation then specialists are the best people to hire.

There are certain claims (which we cover in a separate article) that you may be entitled to make that are cycle specific yet most non- specialists wont be aware of. You may miss out on vital damages simply because your solicitor isn't aware of the full entitlement that you have as an injured cyclist.

Here are a few tips which should help you make a successful claim:

1. If you are injured - seek medical advice from preferably the local hospital or at the very least your GP 2. Try to ensure the Police receive a report of the incident. This could come in handy despite the fact that (unless there is serious injury) they may not be too interested in your situation.. 3. Obtain an estimate for any bike damage 4. If the bike is not repairable please provide copies of the original purchase receipt and / or an estimate of the actual replacement costs. 5. Call a specialist bike accident solicitor.

For more on bike accident claims please call The Claims Connection helpline on 0800 0322210. Deal with the specialists right from the word go. Don't take any risks with your claim.

Martin Nolan is a legal marketer working with UK bike accident compensation specialists

Some Claim Americans and the US is Hated Around the World


Why do people say that the US is hated around the world? I am always treated nicely and catered too as a tourist, as people have been very nice indeed. People in the US who travel little often repeat these things and believe them and they blame our government in our foreign policies. Why? America is a generous and great nation to the World. The United States is the greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind. We need to make it even better. And work on a few minor issues, then we need to package the plan and allow for a United World Franchising System for those nations who truly desire to get with the program. Recently a reporter argued this point of contention to me and said that the following nations do no like us:
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"UK, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Indonesia, France, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Panama, Canada"

Dear Sir, with the laundry list, How day you name Iran in that list as their leaders support Hamas, which wants to destroy Israel, blow it off the map and send in insurgents to disrupt the fledgling democracy in Iran. How dare you name the ever incessant man of political posturing and threatening in North Korea. Panama should be thankful we gifted them one of our major assets in the Hemisphere.
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France, who cares, with their oil for food scandal hypocrisy, after they put out a media hit on the United States, meanwhile civil unrest there never stops with all their riots. Venezuela? please spare me. Columbia loves us without us where would they sell their drugs. Indonesia loved our aid after the Tsunami.
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Bolivia is posturing and in crisis and attempting to be friends in the region and does not dislike us, they are actually rather neutral on the matter. Canada exists thru our protection with an Army of only 8,000 do not kid yourself, we have a huge trade deficit with them, without us their economy would not succeed at these levels. Besides I am always well treated in Canada when I visit. The UK is our ally. Your list is BS. I will not debate with pretenders of truth. The United States is well liked and we have many friends around the world, for those who claim otherwise, well it simply is not so. Consider this in 2006.
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Lance Winslow

Accident Claim With A Specialist Solicitor

Everyone has heard of an accident claim, but few people know how to deal with the traumatising experience when it comes. Life quickly becomes confusing and frustrating as you deal with physical pain and the bureaucratic red tape.

While there is no shortage of accident solicitors that deal with injury or accident claims, there is definitely a shortage of actual efficient and reliable ones. Choosing the wrong legal advice team for your claim can cost you money as well as in the final result, zero compensation. Accident Injury Is Unpredictable!

Accidents can happen anywhere, so feel protected at all times. Whether at work, out socially, on business or just having some fun, accidents can quickly turn your life upside down and turn everyday chores and pleasures into frustrating tasks. Thus possibly requiring the help and pity of others.
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Work becomes impossible, and you feel like a burden on everyone around you. You think back to life before the injury and wonder why it happened to you.

Don't Blame Yourself

The first thing many people feel after an accident is the embarrassment and somehow personally become responsible for their injury. Such a mind-frame can quickly lead to depression, which can affect all those around you. It can also help to slow down the recovery process, preventing the possibility of an injury claim.
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Don't feel that somehow you don't deserve compensation for your injury. If someone is responsible for your suffering then, you should seriously consider talking to a competent, experienced and reliable accident solicitor who has the power to earn you an impressive compensation settlement.
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People are injured everyday due to negligence of others; don't allow yourself to become just another statistic that's left to recover without the financial aid you deserve.

Living With A Serious Injury

For many, the pain and debilitation after an injury is almost too much to handle. Life takes an unexpected turn as you spend your days, bed-ridden, stuck at home, or in physiotherapy, trying to regain your lost mobility and freedom.
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You feel that you can no longer provide for your family, and simple things like playing in the back yard with your kids and going on vacation are no longer a viable options.

An accident injury claim is not a mere slap in the face and, through the haze of suffering, frustration and confusion, you want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Ready For Some Action?

The first step is to find a personal injury solicitor who can be relied upon to produce a successful victory for your compensation claim.

There are all sorts of solicitors advertising their credentials and claiming to be the 'hard-hitters', but this is merely fiction.

The most critical step in an injury claim is choosing a competent and reliable solicitor to manage your case. When coming to this decision, there are several questions that must be addressed. You must be sure that the solicitor is experienced and has produced 'good' results for their previous clients.

You need to be comfortable with your accident solicitor and be able to speak freely and comfortably with them. With a comfortable, professional relationship established, a successful accident claim settlement will be within your reach.

Balls In Your Court

Always remember that there is a reason why you are reading this today to make an accident compensation claim for your accident injury. Don't allow your situation to get the better of you.

Without proper consultation, an injured victim's life may never get back on track. Taking the crucial steps of filing an accident injury claim can be the first step in turning everything around and getting back behind the steering wheel of life.

Don't let your injury get the better of you; make those responsible, responsible! If someone else's negligence is behind your pain, then take the necessary action and get what you deserve.

It's easy to proceed with an accident claim and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of injury claims at

Monday, May 28, 2007

Skyrocket Your Injury Claim In 7 Days Or Less!

Is it possible to complete 50% of your injury claim in 7 days or less?

It is possible if you follow simple guidelines, but only if you follow these simple steps over the next 7 days will you see results.

Here's a definite guide to get your personal injury claim kick-started:

Day 1 - Complete an online injury compensation claim form. Fill in your details and submit your application.

The more details you can fill in the better, as this will eliminate some time, probably 24 - 48 hours. However an email address is essential if you want to monitor your progress over the next 7 days. Alternatively even if you make a call you still shouldn't have a problem to see results.
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Within 24 hours excluding weekends or bank holidays, a compensation solicitor will ring to confirm your details. Once theses details are complete, just 20 - 30 minutes of your time, you should receive some paperwork through the post the following day.
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Day 2 - You will receive a conditional fee agreement (CFA), with attached medical consent forms. As again fill in the blanks, not much, sign on the pages indicated and post the documents back into the post.

The paperwork might seem too technical, as it will be. However don't fret if you don't understand the lingo. Ring the injury solicitor who sent you the documentation and they will explain any line necessary.
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Even if it's a single sentence that is confusing you, give them a call.

Day 3 - If the paperwork is received, then brilliant, you have just completed 50% of your injury compensation claim. If not you may need an extra day or two.
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Day 4 to 7 - Paperwork is received and you have completed 50% of your claim. Now that completes 50% of your accident claim, what about the remaining 50%.

The next 20% is allocated to your medical examination if you require one. This also is made payable by the injury solicitor in-charge.

The remaining 30% is what is called the waiting game. This is where the solicitor will do behind the scene work. Such as make the necessary phone calls, negotiate a compensation figure on your behalf, write letters to the insurance companies involved etc.

But this is something you don't need to worry about for accident injury claim. The only stages you need to work about is the first 50% which gets completed within 7 days or less as you will see.

Why 7 Days…?

If the post office where up to notch with their service then it can be completed within 4 - 5 days, but the extra days are for them to get their act together and post your personal injury claim documents on time.

The next 20% as mentioned is for your medical attention. Nothing drastic, just an examination to indicate the worth of your injury claim. This doesn't really last more than 30 minutes.

So in total you require just under an hour of your time for your compensation claim to be on it's way. You don't need to worry about the rest, as it is take care of the solicitor in-charge. No need to lose your sleep over it!

Cases can be settled within 3 months, but it all boils down to you. The faster you response, the quicker you will see your money.

It's easy to be fooled into an injury claim. Make no mistake about your personal injury claim, get a kick-start at

How Much Can I Claim for my Charity Vehicle Donation?

The American Jobs Creation Act providing tax cuts to business was funded in part by increasing taxes to individuals. Approximately $2.4 billion was realized through restrictions on donors to receive the fair market value for car donations. Deductions are now limited to the gross charity sale price or a maximum fair market value of $500. Since most donated vehicles are sold at dealer auctions, this has resulted in dramatic decreases in vehicle donations, especially of higher value cars.


There are still a few exceptions that allow donors to claim fair market value for their charity car donation. The IRS regulations for these restrictions are limited and they warn that some car donations taken under these exceptions will not be allowed . According to the IRS, donors may claim a deduction for the full fair market value only if: o The charity makes a significant intervening use of the vehicle, such as delivering "meals on wheels". o The charity makes a material improvement to the vehicle, i.e., major repairs that significantly increase its value. o The charity gives the donated vehicle or sells it to a needy individual in need of transportation at a cost significantly below market price.
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The IRS accepts the Vehicle Donation Industry recommendation that the proper fair market value of a donated vehicle is the private party sale value. This value is determined by the donor and can be found in guides such as Kelley Blue Book. The actual condition of the vehicle must always be taken into consideration in determining the value.
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o The charity must provide the donor a written acknowledgment (a tax receipt or Form 1098C) within 30 days of selling or placing the vehicle in use. it should state the amount the vehicle sold for, if over $500, or that it is eligible for the full fair market value deduction due to the 'intervening use'. o The donor must file the tax receipt or 1098C with their tax return, if claiming more than $500. o Charities must file a form 1098C with the IRS for all car donations including the donor's Social Security number and VIN.
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Note: It is the donor's responsibility to accurately determine the vehicle ‘fair market' value and your tax status. Consult your tax advisor to determine your individual tax situation.

Daniel Goodman is President of Special Kids Fund (SKF), an umbrella organization for special needs and at-risk youth. His own special needs child has been an inspiration for his founding of an organization to help fund special needs programs. SKF raises a considerable portion of its funds through its general public fundraising and car donation programs.

Media Stunts For An Injury Claim

The claims culture arrived in the UK and it was chaos. Door canvassers and telesales, knocking and ringing constantly for an injury claim.

Have you had an accident injury in the last 3 years? It went ballistic, new companies evolving and new tricks came into place that would work against the victim.

Did you ever understand what was said before you signed the agreement? I guess not. 'Don't worry it doesn't mean anything, the company will contact you and sort it out'. Did they ever?

Today there is so much jargon, i.e. crap out there that many people just ignore an injury compensation claim even if they need to claim compensation.
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Helping Hand

In the beginning it was always a helping hand with your accident claim, until it was settled, with insurance and loan deductions. Policies were taken out in thousands that always back fired. And guess who provide the financial funded policies? The BANK! It could have even been your own bank.
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It didn't help the victims as it was deducted from their compensation settlement, but surely helped the companies, who have now declared bankruptcy with millions 'scoped' from their victims. But today you have smaller companies doing a similar trick, we'll do this and we'll do that with their new format of technical small print.
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Compensation Claim Culture Confusion

You'll get confused just like food, these many calories, this much protein or fat. There is so much advertisement going around that you just think forget it, stick to what we normally do. Don't take any action!
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Compensation is an entitlement by law, for release of funds to the injured for being involved in an accident or being injured to some form. Accidents do occur, that's life as nobodies perfect. But with the media filling our heads with different slogans, headlines and examples, we get more confused even when it all should mean the same thing.


On TV, there's new advertisers showing victims of an accident injury and how they have had an accident. But what they don't realise is, each accident is unique, so why portray victims as happy as they could ever be with their payouts. It's a marketing stunt. But unfortunately many do fall for it.

An accident solicitor in personal injury claims should only handle your case, not a solicitor in conveyancing. So you need a solicitor with experience in the appropriate field to handle an accident claim for it to be successful.

Browsing from one site to another is not going to help as their technical jargon can to some extent be diluted. We'll do this and we'll do that. Find something simple that will help.

It's easy to claim injury compensation, if you know how. Learn the 12 revolutions of the new injury claim culture at and get a free assessment.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

An Overview of a Quit Claim Deed

The deed to a property is a legal document that establishes ownership. There are different types of deeds. Here is an overview of a quit claim deed.

An Overview of a Quit Claim Deed

Quit claim deeds are a form of deed used in the transfer or sale of property when a grantor, a person who owns an interest in the property, is essentially allowing the transfer of that property to another person. The grantors do not actually own the property but rather simply have responsibility over it. For this reason, grantors have the legal right to sell the property but there is a catch.
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The quit claim deed offers little protection for buyers down the road. Although the property will be transferred to the grantee from the grantor, the quit claim deed does not legally protect the grantee from future claims to the property. The grantor does not legally own the property and so that leaves a back door open for potential future problems regarding the property.
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Quit claim deeds are often used in a couple situations due to their relative simplicity compared to many of the other forms that have to be filed during property transfer and/or sales. One, the quit claim deed is used to clear up a title. And two, quit claim deeds are effective for those who want to use a simplistic method for giving up their interests in a certain property.
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When used in a sale of a property, quit claim deeds can result in significant risk to the buyers of the property. However, quit claim deeds still have other uses that are very beneficial. For instance, in the case where there are multiple people who have claims to a home, such as when a relative passes away, a quit claim deed is an effective way of one of these people to legally transfer their interests in the home to another person. A divorce can create a similar situation, making the quit claim deed very useful.
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It is important to be smart about which form of deed you will be using and signing whether you are a seller or a buyer. Know what the potential risks are and the protections that are being offered by the deed so as to better be prepared.

Raynor James is with the site - - FSBO homes for sale by owner.